The New England Primer
The New England Primer was made to group the study of the Bible with the alphabet, language, and reading (*, 2018). It has had an everlasting effect on education as it was the first printed textbook, one of the biggest foundations of education today. It, and the books based on it, remain a valuable chronicle of early philosophy of education, not only for Americans but various other cultures as well. It has been a lasting impact on the principles and development of American values (Smith, 2019). -
Northwest Land Ordinance
This was an important piece of legislation passed by Congress, as schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged (*, 2020). This was and still is an important aspect of the education system. When the Land Ordinance of 1787 was enacted, there was an importance placed on education and schools which would lay a foundation for our future education systems (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2020). Without this, there may have been no place or funding for schools. -
Hull House
Hull House associates were influential in the enactment of state child labor laws, giving kids the opportunity to pursue their education in place of needing to work to help their families (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2020). If child labor laws were still in place there would be many to grow up without appropriate education, which as we know is vital. This was a place where people could go to receive needs, and it laid the foundation for the settlement house movement (Salmon, 2015). -
National Defense Education Act
When Eisenhower signed in the law, he provided funding to improve American schools and to promote postsecondary education. It marked the start of major involvement of the U.S. federal government in education (Hunt, 2020). Promotion of postsecondary education was done with aid being given; this still has a huge impact on many postsecondary students today. Originally only a few subjects were included in the program, however over time the acceptable subject matters have expanded (*, 2001). -
The Open Classroom
The focus on learning by doing rang with those who thought that strict, teacher-led classrooms were crushing creativity. In that sense the open-classroom movement emulated the social, political, and cultural changes of the 60s and 70s (Cuban, 2011). Open education in a classroom setting has not stuck around but they learned that isn't about the floor plan, but how teachers work together and work with their students (Drummond, 2017). It opened up the door to alternative education such as online.