Technology Use Progression Timeline

  • Instagram

    Instagram came out originally in 2010 before Facebook purchased it in 2012. Instagram changed the way we share our content, creating a platform for people to share their lives and be creative while doing it.
  • Period: to


    4G was launched slowly over the course of 2010-2011. Though 5G is a thing now, 4G changed our speeds and how fast we can use our devices. It created faster internet speeds, and boosted our productivity on our technologies.
  • Release of the iPad

    Release of the iPad
    The iPad was released in 2010. The creation of the iPad popularized the idea of handheld tablets to use for work, school, and personal use.
  • iMessage

    iMessage launched in October 2011 with the launch of a new iOS software. It integrated our messaging, and made communicating with others, especially those who have iPhones as well a lot easier.
  • Ring Doorbell

    Ring Doorbell
    The release of the Ring doorbell changed the way people look at their home security in my opinion. It started the idea, and Amazon's movement to integrate the home.