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John Jay
Appointed by George Washingtom as the Cheif Justice of the supreme court. -
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John Marshall
Famous Chief of justice, and helped the supreme court become the final authority on the constitution. -
Marbury vs. Madison
This case determined the doctrine of judicial review and the Supreme Court’s power as interpreter of the Constitution. This act brought fourth the idea of checks and blances. -
Fletcher vs. Peck
Peck tried to sell land to Fletcher that was not actually his to sell. Fletcher sued peck and the court repealed the law saying it was against the constitution and the land would not be taken. -
Dartmouth College vs. Maryland
The governor of Maryland wanted Dartmouth College to be public. So the governor got the trustees on his side to dispose of the president of Dartmouth. Congress ruled in favor for the president of Dartmouth. -
McCollough vs. Maryland
In 1816, Congress passed an act creating a bank. One opens in maryland, Maryland passes a law taxing bank that are no in their legislature. McCulloch, head of the bank refuses to pay the tax. The Court said Maryland's laws interfered with congresses. -
Gibbons vs. Ogden
This case made the power to regulate interstate commerce legally granted by the Constitution. Ogden paid to operate steamboats between New York and New Jersey. He sued Thomas Gibbons for having a steam boat in the same waters. -
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia
A case where basically the Cherokee's asked for rights since they were on U.S. soil and congress just blew them off saying the Cherokees were a seperate nation. -
Worcester vs Georgia
A case that vacated the sentence on Worcester and that the law stoping non-natives from stepping on native land as against the constitution. -
Dred Scott vs. Sandford
Dred Scott was a slave from slave that went to a free state, upon returning he claimed as still a slave, he was tried and ruled as a slave not a U.S. citizen.