Sputnik launch
The Soviet Unoiun sent out the first satelite into orbit called sputnick, this was very important to the untited states because that could mean they can launch other things like bombs. -
Sputnik 2
Sputnik 2 was launched by the Soviet Unoin with a dog inside it. This was launched to see if humans could also breath in a spacecraft in outer space, this goal was acommplished but, the dog did not survive. -
Explorer 1
Explorer 1 was the first satilite to go into orbit for America. This was big for the americans knowing that they now have the same technology as the Soviets. That was when America created a group of scientists and engineers called NASA. -
Vangard 1
The Vangard 1 was another satelite lauched by the Americans but lasted for 3 years, this told the world that satilites could stay in space for a long peroid of time. -
Luna 1
Luna one is a man made object by the Soviets ment to orbit the sun. This ment that some satilites can take a certain amount of heat. -
Human in space
The first human in space was Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Unoin. This was huge for the whole world knowing that humans with the right equipment could get humans into space. -
Moon Challenge
Jhon F. Kennedy announces a challenge to go to the moon and back before the decade ended. This was huge for the world, trying to get to the moon and back to earth safley was unheared of. -
Apollo 1
Apollo 1 was running a test flight before being the first space craft with a crew. During Apollo's test flight it caught on fire and no one could get out. This was a great tragedy for america. -
Apollo 11
This was the first time a person had made it to the moon. This was impotant to the goverment because we had done a huge thing that nobody has ever done before. -
Working together
The space race had ended July 17 1975 when both the Soviet Unoin and America meet in space over france. This was a great for the American's knowing that we were now working together as one and the fact that we had one the space race was a good feeling for most Americans.