Leonid Brézhnev becomes the Sovietic Union president
took his country to the cusp of power and economic influence also he took his country to the brink of economic collapse -
Leonid Brezhnev dies
Yuri Andropov becomes president
It maintained the economical balance -
Yuri Andropov dies
Konstantin Cherenkov enters the soviet union presidence
he cannot stop the economic crisis -
Konstantin Cherenkov dies
Konstantin Cherenkov dies
Mijail Gorbachov becomes the USSR president
He wanted to change the economics and the politics of the Union but it was too late -
Strikes starts at Poland
Making pressure for a political change, starting a domino effect in the Soviet Union -
The Berlin Wall falls
Boris Yeltsin Found the Commonwealth Independence of States
This leads to the dissolution of the Soviet Union -
The Soviet Union dissapears