Long Term Smart Goal

By Kyle12
  • Short Term Goal

    Short Term Goal
    S.I will reduce the amount of time i spend playing video games.
    M.Spend more money on the sport i play such as bowling-buy more bowling balls.
    A.Spend more time working or studying then play video games.
    R.Practicing bowling is better then playing video games.
    T.My goal is to stop playing video games by this time next year so i can get ready for college.
  • Event#2

    Step1:Limit my time of video games and push myself to do better in school.
  • Event#3

    Step 2:Work so i can be able to afford the bowling balls that i want to use for high school bowling.
  • Event#4

    Step 3:Get a better job that pays more so i can afford things i want. Start working and saving for college so that i have enough money for when the time comes.
  • Event#5

    Step 4:Go out to the bowling alley more then spending money on atomic or other things. Push myself to be the best.
  • Event#6

    Step 5:Get to where i need to be for college and not slack around playing video games.
  • Long Term Goal

    Long Term Goal
    S: Save money for college.
    M:Stay with my mom instead of staying in a dorm.
    A.I will reduce the amount of money i spend on things i don't really need.
    R. College is more important then doing other things you don't need to do.
    T:My goal is to have a good job and pay off the college loans i haven't already paid for.
  • Event#8

    Step1-Quit spending money on things you don't need and save money for more important things.
  • Event#9

    Step2- Getting a part time job and staying with my parents during college so i can save money and pay for my college tuitions.
  • Event#10

    Step 3-Focus on saving money instead of going out to eat 2 times a week save money and make my own food at home.
  • Event#11

    Step 4-Instead of buying things i don't need i will buy textbooks for college.
  • Event#12

    Step 5- Go to college and become a psychiatrist to pay off my student loans.