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  • Year 2014

    Year 2014
    YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. It was launched on February 14, 2005, by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. It is currently owned by Google, and is the second most visited website, after Google Search.
  • Year 2018

    Year 2018
    This is i discovered facebook , it's really good and i meet some new friends here. About facebook where he or she can post updates , upload photos , videos , maintain a friends list and provide personal information.
  • Year 2008

    Year 2008
    My first is television. The television is also known as a TV. Television was invented in the 1920s but the equipment was expensive and the picture were poor. By the 1950s , this problems had been fixed and tv's became widespread.
  • Year 2013

    Year 2013
    The Nokia C3 is installed with Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat where users can set up email and chat accounts straight from the device. It features push mail and SMS including access to Facebook and Twitter directly from the home.
  • Year 2014

    Year 2014
    My first ever laptop year 2014 was given by my grandfather. Songs is an excellent laptop brand. They build top of the line devices not just for work , but also for home and entertainment use.
  • Year 2016

    Year 2016
    I used computer year 2016 and it was given by my dad on my birthday. Using computer had a lots of learning and it's also fun. Computer is have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations , called programs that is why i really like it.
  • Year 2018

    Year 2018
    Also a birthday gift of my father. This tablet had a lots of learnings it's very helpful when it comes on doing school works.
  • Year 2022

    Year 2022
    I've been using realme since 2020 it's really good because realme c3 is pretty much a budget gamers dream phone. If you are the type of person who doesn't care about extra features , gaming on high graphics or a really good camera this is a great phone to have.