The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was a small group of nobles and army officals that tried to ofverthrow the czar's government. They hoped to set up a constitutional monarchy, but Czar Nicholas I quicky crushed the upriseing. He executed the five leaders and exiled hundreds more t oSiberia. -
Czar Alexandar II empicated th serfs
Th freed serfs gained political rights and were allowed to keep their homes and tools. Though, instead of being given land, they had to buy it at a high price. So still the serfs were burdended with debt and high taxes. -
Assassination of Alexander II
Russian socialists tried to enlist the support of serfs in a revolution that would end inequality and private ownership of property. When there efforts failed, they turned to terrorism. They killed prominent officals and assassinated Czar Alexander II. -
The Russian- Japanese War
Before the war, Russia wanted to take over the Korean pennisula. Japan had a better advantage for the war because they had a modern army and they were closer to Korea, which is where the war was fought. The Russian army didn't have all the stuff that the Japanese did. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was the day that Father Gapon lead more than 3,000 workers and their familes to the Winter Palace where they brought a petition for better working conditions and some political freedom. Nicholas II ordered the soldiers to end the march so they shoot the people. After the shooting ended, the people started to rise, but hundreds were dead. -
The Revolution of 1905
The events of Bloody Sunday had triggered the start of this revolution and riots and strikes spread across cities. Out in the countryside, the serfs looted and burned the homes of landowners. To end the violence, Nicholas II agreed to set up an elected assembley called the DUMA and to make other minor reforms. Though the DUMA had little power, and the reforms failed to fix Russia's basic problems. -
World War 1
In World War 1, Russia was fighting against Germany, Austria, and Hungary. The soldiers didn't have enough weapons, transportation could take supplies to the front line, and Russian industries could not produce enough supplies for the war. Back in Russia, the people were starving because there wasn't enough food for the people to eat because it was going to the war. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution was taken place during World War 1. The people prtested about the war and the lack of food, and when the goverenment tried to shut them down, the soldiers just joined them. A few weeks after the riots, Nicholas II abdicated, or gave up the throne. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne.
Czar Nicholas II abdicating the throne was a result of the March Revolution. Then to restore order, the leaders of the DUMA set up the Provisional Government. Sadly, the Provisional Government didn't try and get Russia out of the war.