284 BCE
(284-305 ce.)
Gaius Valerius Diocles or Diocletian was born on the 22nd of December in 245AD. Diocletian died at age 66 on the 3rd of December 311 AD in Split, Croatia. -
270 BCE
(270-275 ce.)
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus or Aurelian was born on the 9th of September 214 AD in Sirmium.
Aurelian was assassinated on the 25th of September in 275 AD in Corlu, Turkey. -
253 BCE
Publius Licinius Valerianus or Valerian was born in 200AD in Rome, and was killed in 260AD in Bishapur, Iran by Iranian King Shapur. It was said that King Shapur had Valerian swallow Molten Gold until he died. -
249 BCE
(249-251 ce.)
Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius, or Decius was born in 201 AD, in Martinci, Serbia.
Decius died in June of 251 AD in Abritus, Bulgaria. -
235 BCE
(235- 238.)
Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus "Thrax" or Maximinus was born on in 173 AD, in Thracia, now Northern Greece.
Maximinus was assassinated on the 10th of May 238 AD in Aquilieia, Italy. -
222 BCE
Severus Alexander
(222-235 ce.)
Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander was born on the 1st of October in 208 in Arqa Lebanon. Alexander was assassinated on the 19th of March 235 AD, in Mainz Germany. -
161 BCE
(161-180 ce.)
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus or Aurelius was born on the 26th of April in 121 AD, in Rome.
Aurelius died on the 17th of March 180AD, in a Roman providence named Sirmium, now northern Serbia. -
98 BCE
(98-117 ce.)
Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Divi Nervae Filius Augustus or Trajan was born on the 18th of September 53 AD in Italica, Spain and died in August of 117 AD in Selinus, Italy. -
81 BCE
(81-96 ce.)
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Domitian was born on the 24th Of October 51 AD, in the south district of Rome. -
54 BCE
(54-68 ce.)
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Nero was the fifth Emperor of Rome and was born in Antium, South of Rome in AD 37. -
Period: 54 BCE to 305 BCE
Persecution Timeline