Revolutionary war

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    Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Lexington & Concord

    The Brtish troops were sent to Concord to capture John Hanncock and Samuel Adams. Paul Revere rode his horse through town warning people. When the british soldiers arrived they were met by the minute men ready to fight. With the colonists protecting their rights drove the british out, and winning the first battle in the begging of the Revolutionary war
  • Bunker Hill Battle

    The battle took place on the Charelstown Peninsula on the North side of Boston harbor. The Colonists stood strong, but the battle was won by the British that outnumbered them 2,400 to 1,500.
  • Dorchester Heightts

    Not a shot was fired in the win over Britain. General Washington had his troops that were not armed set up cannons pointing at British camps in the city. While the soldiers that were armed fired inton the west side of the city. The British Genereal Howe was shocked to see how much the troops had done over one night. General Howe was going to fight the continentals, but in the end hge left Boston, and took his troops to New York, and some of Canada.
  • Decleration of independence

    The Patriots send a letter to England Declairing independence
  • Battle of Long island

    In the Battle of Long Island the Brittish won by driving the Patriots right out of Brooklyn, and forced them to evacuate New York.
  • Battle of Trenton

    After being driven out of Long Island in the summer, Washington, and his men were having none of it. On Decmeber 25th the men sailed across the Dleware River along three points. With the Surprise attack George Washington, and his men became successful winning the Battle of Trenton.
  • Battle of Princeton

    The Americans Outmanuevered the British in their win. General Washington was planning on heading back after the battle of Trenton. After hearing the news that the British were comming He got his men ready to fight, and win.
  • The battle of Branywine Creek

    The British were left occupying the field after they pushed the patriots back out of Brandywine Creek. THis time the British were outnumbered by 2,000 men making it a big significant win.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle took place on the cold icy waters of the Hudson river in New York.The British had only 5,000 soldiers compared to the 14,000 Americans. After pushing Major General Burgyone's army back the british surrendered, and the Americans came away with the victory.
  • The Battle of Valley Forge

    The continental army came to Valley forge after some tough battles against the British. Since early fall came General Washington hed troubles getting supplies for the men. As winter came around the situation just got worse. The soldiers were getting irregular meat, and bread, forcing them to go look for food in the forest, or farms they passed. Clothing was a large issue as well. A disease called pneumonia spread and killed 2,000 men.
  • Batte of Yorktown

    In the Battle of Yorktown the the Americans were joined by the French, and marched into Yorktown. General Cornwallis lead the british troops. Expecting the americans and French by sea COrnwallis waited. When the American and French troops marched in they had surprised the British, and winning the controversial battle.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, ended the American revolution, with their Allies. It eneded the French, and Spanish battles as well, and they both had seperate agreemantes. The Americans got what they wanted and the boundaries of the United States were enlarged aswell.