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Reconstruction of Georgia Timeline

  • Freedmen's Bureau

    It helped both blacks and whites cope with their everyday problems by offering them food, clothing, and other things. It operated in Texas. The secondary focus was the day to day operation.
  • End if the Civil War (Appomattox)

    President Lincoln went to Richmond Lee. He wanted to fight. They agreed on the terms of surrender.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    The president was shoot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth. The next day he died. He was shoot fataly at a play at Ford"s Theatre in Washinton D.C.
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    It officially ended slavery. It came eight months after the Civil War ended. It was ratifying.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    It was bitterly contested. It granted citizenship to "All people born or naturalized in the United States". With former slaves recently freed.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    It wouldn't be fully realized for almost a century. It granted African American men the right to vote by citizens declaring that the "Right of the United States or by any state on account of race, color,