Freedmen's Bureau
It was to help freedmen and poor whites obtain food, shelter, and clothing. The Bureau established schools for the freedmen. Religious organations also created schools. -
End of the Civil War
General Lee and his army were short of suppplies. He knew that it was time to surrender. He met with Grant and they agreed on the term of surrender. -
Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
Lincoln and his wife were at a play at Ford's theater. Booth entered a private box and shot Lincoln in the head. The president died the next day. -
13 Amendment Ratified
An amendment to the U.S constitution . It banned slavery and involuntary servitude. The Radical Republicans were not happy. -
Henry McNeal Turner elected to Senate
He was a preacher. He switched his views to political things. He was postmaster, but he was forced to leave a few weeks later. -
14th Amednment Ratified
guranteed citizenship and equal rights to all people born in the U.S. No state would be allowed to shorten the privelage or citizens. This amendment had the most unexspected effects -
15th Amendment Ratified
the privelage of citizens to vote should not be taken away. The congress will have power to enforce the article. It wouldn't be recognized untill almost a century. -
Georgia Readmitted to the Union
Georgia went through this process twice. During the process the executive and legislative branch split. Rebublicans wanted to bring confederate states back. -
Election of Rutherford B. Hayes
It was one of the moste likely to cause an argument in American History. Although he lost the popuular vote, he won the presidency. He was awarded with 20 disputed electorial votes.