Scala Nature-Gret Chain of Being-All living things in a heirarchy, plants on bottom humans on top -
Life started in the sea and moved to land -
Life started as slime at bottom of ocean. -
Jan 19, 1300
Everything is formed without changing because of divine will.Spontanous generation can happen. Living things formed from inorganic matter. -
James Ussher
Fixed date of creation as 4004b.c -
Rene Descartes
Formulated the laws of nature -
John Ray
Developed catagories of species -
Carolus Linnaeus
Believed divine will but created first hybridazed plants -
Comte Buffon
Life forms are not fixed -
Pierre Moreu-de Maupertuis
Systeme de la Nature-Theory of the nature of heredity -
Charles Bonnet
philosophical paalingesis- catastrophies changed the evolution of organisms. -
Immandel Kant
Organisims came from single ancestral source -
James Hutton
Improved traits could be passed to ofspring, but would not create a new speciess. -
Erasmus Darwin
Life has one common ancestor -
Jean-baptiste Lamarck
Inheritance of acquired characteristics-man could pass all characteristics he acquired onto offspring -
George Cuvier
Catastrophisim- Natural disasters created and ended species -
Willaim Charles Wells
Natural selection was the result of differnt skin colors in people -
William Whewell
History of the Inducttive Sciences-From earliest to the present time- species do not transition from one to another -
Louis Agassiz
Essay on Classification-Any theory that ignored design was wrong -
Charles Lyell
Proved catastrophisim wrong. -Uniformitarianism-the present is the key to understanding the past -
God created all living things in mature form