Peach Giver Vocabulary

By skylerp
  • Recollection

    Definition: a memory;something remembered or recalled.
    Sentence: Zoe had a recollection of her past, and what her life was like before she grew up.
    Synonyms: memory, remembrance
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge.
    Sentence: Zoe had a profound thought when thinking of what to do for her social studies project.
    Synonyms: intense/deep/great/, intelligent/learned.
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation.
    Sentence: Zoe was such a prestige to everybody, because of how she cared so much for everybody, and everything.
    Synonyms: status, reputation
  • Serenely

    Definition: peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: The women sat serenely while waiting to be called to get her check up at the doctors
    Synonyms: patiently, quietly
  • Avert

    Definition: turn away
    Sentence: The teenager averted when she saw one of her teachers at the mall on the weekend.
    Synonyms: turn aside, turn away
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy;bashful
    Sentence: The little girl was very sheepish when she had to take a picture with the Easter bunny.
    Synonyms: uncomfortable, shy
  • Hasty

    Definition: hurried and rushed
    Sentence: This morning Zoe felt hasty because she had just woke up, and her bus was coming in ten minutes.
    Synonyms: quick, hurried
  • Indolence

    Definition: Laziness
    Sentence: Zoe had an indolence feeling on sunday, and all she did was sit around and watch tv.
    Synonyms: slothfulness, inactivity
  • Unnerving

    Definition: unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence: It was very unnerving for Zoe when her dog passed away, and she couldn't stop crying for almost a week.
    Synonyms: upset, weaken
  • Requistioned

    Definition: to demand or take
    Sentence: Zoe requisitioned that Allie do the drawing for the project, and she will do the writing, because that's what they are better, and strong at.
    Synonyms: request, order
  • Tentatively

    Definition: uncertainly and hesitantly
    Sentence: The teenager acted very tentatively when answering a question on a math test, because he didn't know if the answer was correct.
    Synonyms: hesitant, not sure
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: noticeable; easy to see
    Sentence: When we were playing hide and go seek at the park, my friend was very conspicuous and I found her very easily.
    Synonyms: clear, visible
  • Self-consciously

    Definition: uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Sentence: The little girl acted very self-consciously when she messed up a song she was singing in front of the class for talent day.
    Synonyms: embarrassed, uncomfortable
  • torrent

    definition: swift-flowing stream of something
    sentence: After the big hurricane, the people who lived by the shore had a torrent of ocean water everywhere.
    synonyms: flood, stream
  • obsolete

    definition: no longer useful
    sentence: The type-writer was obsolete, but the family kept it as something to remind them of the past, and when they had to use it.
    synonyms: out of date, old fashioned
  • unwieldy

    definition: difficult to carry or handle
    sentence: The big package was unwieldy, and the little girl couldn't get it inside because she wasn't strong enough.
    synonyms: unmanageable, cumbersome
  • wincing

    definition: shrinking back involuntarily
    sentence: The girl was wincing when her older brother clapped in her face when they were doing a staring contest.
    synonyms: grimace, flinch
  • Admonition

    Definition: warning
    Sentence: The little boy had learned that when the color yellow showed up on a traffic light, it was a admonition, and it meant the car had to slow down.
    Synonyms: forewarning, advice
  • Fretful

    Definition: uneasy or distressed
    Sentence: The little girl felt fretful when she found out that she might have broken her ankle, when doing gymnastics.
    Synonyms: tense, worked up
  • Relinquished

    Definition: gave up or let go
    Sentence: The fifth grader was now going into sixth grade and she relinquished her job of being a kindergarten helper to someone else.
    Synonyms: Gave away, hand over