New Deal Policies

  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    The Emergency Banking Relief Act allowed individual banks to reopen during the Great Depression. The was an act recovery because the government was trying to restore money to the people during the Great Depression.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    The Civilian Conservation Corps created jobs for young men during the Great Depression. This relief program allowed young men to work jobs like planting trees, building flood barriers, and fighting forest fires.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    The FERA created unskilled jobs to unemployed people during the Great Depression and sent money and funds to states in need. This was a relief act.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    The AAA accomplished the decrease in certain crop production. Farmers would be offered subsidies to stop growing crops on certain parts of their property. This was a reform.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Act

    A federal corporation was created in the Tennessee Valley to handle certain problems like flooding, providing electricity to homes, and replanting forests. The was a recovery and a relief act.
  • Civil Works Administration

    Civil Works Administration
    The CWA created jobs for many unemployed people during the hard winter of 1933-34. This relief act created mostly manual- labor jobs.
  • National Housing Act

    National Housing Act
    The National Housing Act was created to improve housing conditions and make housing and mortgages more affordable and accessible. This was a recovery and relief act.
  • The Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act
    The Wagner Act was created to protect the rights of workers. Employers could no longer interfere with workers unions and protests.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act created a system of benefits for workers of industrial accidents, elderly people, the blind, and handicapped people. This was a reliefs and reform act.
  • Soil Conservation Act

    Soil Conservation Act
    The Soil Conservation Act was created to combat soil erosion and protect natural resources. This was a reform act.