Nershadi A Storm Cloud Gathers (WWII)

  • Mussolini take power in Italy

    Mussolini take power in Italy
    Mussolini used his speaking skill to win the people over. He encouraged the use of violance against Communists and Socialists. When he became the leader he had total controlled over daily life of Italy.
  • U.S. Stock Market Crashes

    U.S. Stock Market Crashes
    The stock market crash is also known as the black tuesday. the crash marked the begaining of Great Depression. It started the creation on securites and exchange commission.
  • Japan seized Manchuria

    Japan seized Manchuria
    Japan hoped of gaining more natural resources to support their massive expansion and militarization. They no longer wanted to rely heavily on the U.S for resources and decided Manchuria was ideal for a Japanese expansion since it was already fighting a civil war between nationalists, communists and warlords. Another reason that Japan attacked Manchuria was because they wanted more land and all the raw materials that Manchuria had to offer.
  • FDR is elected president

    FDR is elected president
    FDR promised to improve economy. they gave him both contorl of congress houses. it helped him puch New Deal legisiation which changed the role of government in American life.
  • Hitler is name Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is name Chancellor of Germany
    At first they didnt want him to become but but they picked him. Germany was inexperanced and with help of Hitler he changed everything.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act

    U.S. Neutrality Act
    The act was meant to prevent the nation from being drawn into war as it had in 1917.
  • Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty ending WWI that required Germany to pay huge war reparations and established the League of Nations.
  • France militarizes the Rhineland

    France militarizes the Rhineland
    Under the Treaty of Versailles Germany was required to keep troops out of Rhine River inorder to keep France safe. But Hitler sent his military there and they didn't stop him.
  • Civil War erupts in Spain

    Civil War erupts in Spain
    Spain had plitical problems. On left were communists and on right franscist nationalists so it lead to civil war. at the end Franco's nationlast defeated republicans.
  • Japan invaded China

    Japan invaded China
    After Japan invaded China Roosevelt gave a speach about freedom and health.
  • Anschluss

    Hitler was born in Austria, He dreamed of uniting all ethnic Germans, including Austrians. He tried to force Austiran government to agree with anschluss-union with Germany. when Austria refused Hitler sent stroops to the country. They did nothing more to stop Hitler.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was held in Munich, Germany on September 28-29, 1938, with the leaders of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy. Adolf Hitler had demanded the possession of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
  • Kristallnacht

    Anti jewis brokout also known as night of broken glass.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Hitler and the Nazi's were heavily anti-communist, therefore the allies counted on Hitler not wanting to create a pact. When the Nazi's did sign the pact, it showed the Allies that Hitler would go around his upmost values in order to increase the Nazi's position.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    To provide an excuse to attack, Hitler dresses a German criminal in Plish military uniform. He was taken to border and shot. The next morning German claimed it had been attacked by Poland. using that German troops immediately launched a massive invasion of Poland.
  • Phony war

    Phony war
    After Germany subdued Poland, the war in Europe settled into a long, quiet lull that lasted through the winter and spring of 1939. Then in 1940, Germany launched a massive invasion-"Blitzkrieg" ("lightning war")- on Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and finally France.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    While Hitler was capturing Netherlands and Belgium, German was planning the suprise attack through Ardennes. They easily overwhelmed the small Franch forse.At the end France was captured by Germany and Italy.
  • Japan seizes French Indochina

    Japan seizes French Indochina
    Japan's control of Indochina treatened British and American interests in the region. It signaled Japan;s intention to seek the oil and other resources.U.S. stopped the oil access to Japan.
  • Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England

    Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England
    Chamberlain thought that Hitler was not going to be any kind of treat but Churchill thoguth Hitler was and that it was going to lead to war and he was right.
  • Miracal at Dunkirik

    Miracal at Dunkirik
    In the battel of France many got trapped in Dunkirk and one day British got all the boats and rescued many people.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Great Britain stood alone against Germany. The nation was led by Winston Churchill who had great gift to inspire courage and confidence among the British people. For the first time Germany failed.
  • Italy invade Ethiopia

    Italy invade Ethiopia
    Ethiopians took the colony's of Italian's. years later Italians got stronger and wanted to fight back but Ethiopia wasn't as strong as it was before.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    When this act was passed Britain was standing alone against Germany in WWII. The act helped Britain and soviet union to fight against Germany and made U.S. step closer to joining the war.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    Roosevelt and Britain leader met secreatly off coast to agree proclaim the share goals of U.S. and Britain.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese forced a suprise attack on America. It destroyed ships and aircraffs. U.S. declared was on Japan.