Nerea Roldan's timeline

  • I was born on

  • My first pet on

  • Tsunami from de Indian Ocean

  • I took my first step on

    11 month
  • My first word on

    9 month
  • My first trip on

    6 month
  • FC Barcelona proclaimed winner

    By difference of points in the 2004-2005 league tournament.
  • My parents wedding

    2 years
  • Explosion of gas in Barcelona

    On rambla del fondo(santa coloma de gramanet)
  • My first day of kindergarden

  • Great blackout in Barcelona

    More than 350,000 homes are left without light in Barcelona for about 4 days.
  • Other important firsts in my life

    When my cousin born
  • I rode my bicycle

    4 years
  • I learned to read

    6 years
  • I lost my first tooth

  • : Estonia adopts the euro

    As the official currency
  • Arrival of the Roseta satellite to the Txuri comet.

  • My first key house on

    sixth grade
  • Other important firsts in my life

    When my cousin born
  • My first job

  • A new earthquake shakes the center of Italy

    Arriving to alert the city of Rome.