Needham's time line

  • 1710 Thermometer invented by Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur

  • 1733 John Kay invents flying shuttle

  • 1742 Franklin stove invented by Benjamin Franklin

  • 1752 Lightning rod invented by Benjamin Franklin

  • 1767 Spinning jenny invented by James Hargreaves

  • 1769 Steam engine invented by James Watt

  • 1774 Priestly isolates oxygen

  • First steam powered mills automate the weaving process.

  • 1781 William Herschel discovers the planet Uranus.

  • 1783 Hot air balloon invented by Montgolfier brothers

  • 1791 Steamboat invented by John Fitch

  • 1793 Eli Whitney develops the cotton gin

  • 1798 Vaccination invented by Edward Jenner

  • 1799 Humphrey Davy discovers nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

  • 1799 Oliver Evans invents the conveyer belt