Germinal: the first 14 days
Cells travel to particular locations to take on characteristics. The cells are differentiating. -
Mother found out she was pregnant with me. Neurological differences begin.End of first trimester, around 3 oz. and 3 in. long.Sex organs are visible in the ultrasound. -
The middle three months. (Developmental)
My heartbeat became stronger. My brain is 6 times in size. Around 20 oz. -
The final 3 months (Cognitive)
Viability is possible. The lungs begin to expand and contract,exercising muscles involved in breathing by using the amniotic fluid as a subsitute for air. My mother's diet and behavior is very aware to me.I am used to my mother's heatbeat. Auditory communication between me and my mother. Around 71/2 oz. -
Bith (Psychosocial)
Oakwood Hospital Dearborn 11:14 A.M. C-SECTION baby 7.2 lbs. 20 1/2 in. Reflexes are tested. Parent- infant bond is in progress. Though I didn't like to drink much milk, the bond was still there. -
(Biosocial ) sleeping
need more attention when sleeping. sleep around 15-17 hours a day. -
(Biosocial) Music/Speech
4-8 months infants prefer their culture music best. That's probably why Punjabi became my first language as well. -
(Develoopmental) Gross motor Skills
I was able to walk.
- muscle strength
-brain maturation within the motor cortex
-practice -
Babbling ( cognitive)
_(Developmental) First year
Triple my birthweight. Head-sparing, -
(Cognitve) Cortex at work
Able to recoginze faces of people from my ethnic group since I did spend most of my time with time. -
(Cognitve) Cortex at work
can recognize faces of of their mothers and fathers. Since I lived in a house with my mom,dad and 5 uncles and their families I used to know my uncle as soon as he walked through the door and used to have a significant gesture I used to do toward him.
Secondary circular reactions -
(Cognitive) Brain Development
Brain is almost 75 percent of adult brain weight. Total body weight is about 20 percent of adult weight. -
Maturation of the Prefrontal Cortex ( Cognitive) 4 years old
- sleep becomes more regular. I used to take naps and still end up sleeping at night. I had to get up early for pre-school so that is a reason for more sleep.
- emotions become more nuanced and responsive to specific stimuli.
- Temper tandrums subside. I rarely got mad at my mother's choices.
- Uncontrollable laughter and tears become less common
- preoperational intelligence.
- Focus on appearance - my mom always chose the clothes out for me and I always went by what she said and did.
preservation ( Biosocial)
Although in the Developmental Psychology book relates preservation to around 3-year-olds , in pre-school preservation still occured with me.
- Head Start( also cognitive and developmental) getting taught with peers and interacting with them. I actually went to head start with my cousin, I just interacted with him. -
(Biosocial//Cognitve/ Developmental) Pragmatics
Pragmatics occurred for me during pre-school. It happened fast because I also spoke two languages. -
Age 6 :Early Childhood (Developmental)
- 6 years old
- weigh between 40 and 50 pounds
- at least 3 1/2 feet tall
- looks lean, not chubby (average child) but I was a bit on the chubby side. That would make my weight a bit more as well.
- Scaffolding - my mother was my teacher
- Has adultlike body proportions
Oral Care ( Developmental)
No untreated cavities. -
The Me-Self ( Biosocial / cognitve)
- social comparison. I used to compare myself to my older cousin and thought to be like her. My mom used to compare me to her so maybe that is what triggered it.
(Cognitive) selective attention
Due to selective attention, I could do well in school and I did do well in school in this age. -
- Diagnosed with asthma
- highest among school - age children
Puberty ( Developmental)
- puberty.
- menarche
(Biosocial) Disorders
For this age, the book just describes the disorders : ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, although these two did not occur with me. I did suffer depression which made me want my friends attention toward me than any other person. -
(Biosocial) Bullying
In the Developmental Psychology book it says that bullying usually occurs in middle childhoo. For me, it occured in adolescence. Most of it had to do with girls acting out toward me because of boys. -
Body Rhythms
This is the age I started to notice my circardian rhythm change. I used to stay up all night and have energy in school as well. When I got home at 3 p.m. is when I used to get a bit sleepy. I didn't need as much as sleep as I do now. -
(Cognitve) Imaginary audience
- Imaginary Audience. I used to have to look my best in school because I thought everyone was judging me.
Adolescent Brain Development ( Cogntive/ Biosocial)
Ages 15 - 17 I was rebellious.
Adolescene are known to be in more risky behaviors.I socialized with poeple outside of family because I got along with them more.
- limbic system develops faster than the prefrontal cortex. -
Role Confusion
I started to venture out of my religion and try different aspects of christianity. I thought I would fit in -
Emerging adulthood ( Biosocial) AGES 18 - 25
- graduating high school
- entering college
- chosen careerpath
- strong and active bodies
- Mood disorders . Diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder
- Usually risk takers, not highly in my case
( Cognitive) Postformal thought
- Time managment, due to college and work
- Morality of Care
- Changing perspective because of college
Graduating College ( Cognitive)
- Planning on graduating college with bachelors . Continuing into masters.
( developmental) Identity Achieved
- Ethnic Identity
- Intimacy versus Isolation
- Linked Lives
( Biosocial) Adulthood AGES 25- 65
- Sensecence
- Physical Appearance changing
- Senses become acute
- Aging of sexual - reproductive system
( Cognitve) Intelligence
- Intellectual ability at work and in personal life peak at ages 39 to 53
- Selective optimization with compensation
( Developmental) Midlife Crisis
- Possible midlife crisis
- comfortable in my ecological niche
- Have my own social convoy
- A view of familism
- Caregiving
- Marriage around age 25
- Extrinsic/ Intrinsic rewards of work
- Possible Empty nest
( Biosocial) Adulthood
- Menopause
- Motality and Morbidity come into effect
( Biosocial) Ages 65 to death
- Ageism
- I hope I don't have to be referred to by 'Elderspeak' -young-old : 65-75 -old-old : 75+ -oldest-old : 85+
- Compression of morbidity
- Wear and Tear Theory
- Average Life Expectancy for women is 81
( Cognitive) Brain Slowdown
- Multitasking is good
- Awareness of loss
- Difficult to assess long-term memory
- Priming becomes often
- Terminal decline
- Possible mental illness
- Life review
Death and Dying
- Religion and Hope. My religion believes in reincarnation
- No hospice care
- Not a fan of signing the DNR
Self - Theory
- Integrity versus despair
- Compulsive hoarding. I feel as if I do this now at age 19
- Retiremement
- Trouble with ADLs