Han's family timeline

  • My mom and dad married

    My father Hoang Ngoc Hung was married my mom Nguyen Thi Minh Luan, they was very happy.
  • My brother was born

    My family was really happy because my mom born a son.
  • I was born

    That day i was born and my family really happy because in the family there is one boy and now there is a girl.
  • I have to go to the hospital

    That year i was sick badly and my family have to take me to the hospital to check what wrong with me, that time i was 2 years old. My parent very worried for me.
  • My family go back to my hometown on Tet holiday

    I went back to my home town to play on Tet holiday. I receive lost on moneyfrom everyone, it really fun and every year on Tet holiday,my family always go back to my hometown.
  • My younger sister was born

    Whole family was really surprise that my mom had a baby, everyone always waiting for her.
  • My family go to Ba Na Hill

    In Ba Na Hill is very cold and foggy. My mother always take the picture of the family.It really fun, i played lots of games there.