My Hystory

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in November 18 2002, and i had to stay in the hospital for 22 days, because i was a premature baby. I was the most little thing my mom has saw.
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  • 6 fingers

    6 fingers
    One year after i get out of the hospital i had a surgery because i had 6 fingers in the hand and in the foot. Right now if i think of it i could be one of the X-MEN.
  • Bus

    In november 22 2004 i said my first words; "bus" and "luna".The funny thing is that i always dreamed to be on a bus but now its all the same to me, i event think i don´t like buses now.
  • WALK

    I started walking in El Parke Jaime Duque under a dinosaur statue. My mother cried, my father cheered and my grandparents also saw me and were very happy.
  • kindergarden

    I entered to my first kindergarden, Babidiboo, where i started having friends. I had 3 years at this moment. My first friends were girls and some guys called simon bolliver and Daniel roner always bullied me.
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  • TES

    At this date i started studying at The English School where i gathered a whole group of friends. I entered to this school because my father graduated from it.
  • Computer

    During the christmas of 2010 i recieved my first computer, a Dell pc. I didnt wanted and didnt have to share it with anyone. Then it started my addiction to the computers.
  • Meet snow

    Meet snow
    On 2010 december the 28 i travel to NEW YORK and that day i feel in my hands the cold snow. It was strange becase i entered the museum and it was sunny then i got out and every thing was covered by snow.
  • A dog

    A dog
    On this date my mom got me a little surprise.
    my mom bring the dog of my grandmother´s hose named pako.
    And from that day he lives with us and is the oldest dog that i know he is 17 years old.
  • Glasses

    On the vacations during october I discovered the world clear view whith my glasses. I bought my glasses in orlando and they are the thing that i like the most.
  • Period: to


  • Girlfriend

    At this point of my life i had my first girlfriend.And she lives near my house. Her name is Amanda Cabrin and she also likes computers.
  • Graduade

    At this day i finished studing and i started thinking of the future. It was one of the most beautiful day of my life. I remeber that i shout "FREEDOM, FINALY" so loud i lost my voice for the day.
  • Drive

    I pass my driving test just for christmas. My dad was proud of me. And my friends and i celebrated the ocation in a casino. it was one of the best nigths ever.
  • Work

    I start working with a computer making comics for the newspaper. Still everyone liked my comics. The were about an inmortal dog that always explodes, gets chop into two pieces and gets dissolve in acid.
  • My first comic

    My first comic
    I start thinking that if i make complete comics i could get more money. it took me a whole month but i did it. It was about Spanky a pink tissue that is like superman.
  • Period: to


  • Enterprise

    At this date a big comic enterprise contracted me. It was named Archie COMICS. I make comics of Spanky and it became an epic success.
  • Marriage

    I marry two days after my birthday. And she works also in the same enterprise. I got married in New York and it was cool.
  • promoted

    Nine days after my marriage i got promoted. Now i draw for an animated series. i got promoted in a comicon. Unfurtunatly the series wasnt of spanky.
  • Series

    right before christmas the archies comic´s animated series launch to the air. they were about an old game that i use to play called megaman.
  • Child

    I got my first son at this date. Its name is Suzushi it means cool in japanese. I named it that way because he was born in a trip to Japan Tokyo.
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  • Grandfather

    At this age i become grandparent. My grandaughter´s name was Penny. She has red hair and green eyes. My son followed the legacy of only having one son because there are many people in the world.
  • Last comic

    Last comic
    I was so old I could not animate so I retire creating my last comic. Spuerman and spanky. I had 67 years at this time.
  • family trip

    family trip
    In christmas i gave my family a special trip. we went to New york and tokyo. We also went to Mars and the Moon.
  • Greatgrandchildren

    At this date i become a greatgrandpa. I had two greatgrandchildren lila and joey. they Penny thouhgt that she could not have a baby so she adopted one but then she get pregnant.
  • Memories

    I sat in my favorite couch and i thought of all the things i have done. I read the last comic i made and I thought i am ¡¡¡EPIC!!!.