Most Significant Events of Canada's 20th Century

  • WWI

    Right after the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, war broke out. Because Austria-Hungary and Serbia had many agreements and alliances, many other countries got involved and therefore it became a world war. On November 11, 1918, the war finally concluded.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    While the Tsars (Russian monarchy) were living in luxury, the Russian peasants were in terrible poverty, aftermath of the first world war - and the Tsars failed to do anything about it. The peasants kept protesting until the Tsar finally had to step down. After the uprising of the citizens to take down the monarchy, Bolshevik and Lenin parties rose to power, and the government was overthrown. This had some dire consequences - civil war broke out, and communist Russia was born.
  • Prohibition

    In the 20s, men drunk a LOT, and their wives were not happy about it. Alcohol was blamed for crime, family violence, and poverty, and so a temperance movement was made by women and Christian organizations. Eventually, the sale and consumption of alcohol was made illegal in the states. Unfortunately, this came with a lot of undesired consequences, such as a significant loss of tax revenue, a thriving illegal alcohol market, and an increase in organized crime.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Both event summary and significance are in the google doc, since neither on their own could fit.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The holocaust was the systematic murder of millions of Jewish people by the Nazis under Hitler's power during WWII. They were made to wear yellow stars to "identify" them, and were either persecuted, brought to camps, or went into hiding. By the end of the war, approximately 6 million Jews died. It was among most vile and devastating events of an extremely violent century.
  • WWII

    Event summary and significance for Canada are both in google docs, neither could fit.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    The declaration states that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." John Humphrey was the man given the honorable task of researching and writing this declaration of human rights, and him and his team brought their recommendations to the Commission of Human Rights, an international committee run by Eleanor Roosevelt. John guided his committee through many meetings and resolutions to fine-tune the declaration before the General assembly adopted it in 1948.
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    Event Summary and Significance doesn't fit :')
  • Soviet Union Collapse

    Soviet Union Collapse
    By the 80s, the USSR was practically bankrupt, especially the extremely expensive Afghan war, which really drained them, plus over 40 years of conflict and competition finally caught up with the soviets. After the Berlin wall fell, a bunch of other soviet states began declaring independence, and finally, the last soviet president, Gorbachev, was overthrown in a military coup.
  • 9-11

    A muslim terrorist group hijacked and crashed two planes into the twin towers, causing thousands of passengers and civilians to lose their lives and making 3 billion dollars worth of damage. It would also be the cause for the war in Afghanistan a month later, when the US and UK would attack Taliban.