Middle Aged English

  • Period: 450 to Mar 15, 1100

    Old English

    Old English would confuse anyone today. It is nothing like it is today.
  • 500

    Germanic Tribes invade England

    Germanic Tribes invade England
    Germanic tribes invade england, who are speaking celtic. The tribes that invaded England spoke a language called Englisc.
  • Mar 14, 1066

    William the Conquer

    William the Conquer
    He brought the French language and when he invaded the became the language of the court, the goverment, and the upper class. Lower class people still used the modified ( middle english) english.
  • Period: Mar 14, 1300 to Mar 14, 1500

    The Great Vowel Shift

    The Great Vowel shift was a time where the pronunciation of the English language was changed. This only affects the large vowels ("tense"). This is the beggining of modern english.
  • Mar 1, 1388

    Geoffrey Chacher

    Geoffrey Chacher
    Chacher writes a poem in Middle English called The Canterbury Tales.
  • Period: Mar 15, 1500 to

    Early Modern English

    English is changing just like in The Great Vowel Shift. Old vowels keep shortning and a lot of new words and phrases are added. The printing press is invented and books become more popular. More people learn to read because of this.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Queen Elizebeth is Born

    Queen Elizebeth is Born
    In 1533 Queen Elizebeth is born.
  • Nov 15, 1558

    Queen Elizebeth is crowned

    Queen Elizebeth is crowned
    She become the Queen regnant of England.
  • Mar 14, 1564

    Shakespear is Born

    Shakespear is Born
    He is considered one of the greatest writers ever. He has written many great plays translated into every great language. He writes in early mondern english.
  • First Dictonary

    First Dictonary
    Table Alphabeticall is the first english dictionary. It was only 120 pages and only used the words people never used a lot
  • Period: to

    Late Modern English

    This is what we speak today.