Megan TenHarkel's Ups and Downs

  • The day I was born!

    The day I was born!
    I was born at St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Rapids at 1:46 pm and was 6 lbs 14 oz and 20" long. My grandma, who worked at St. Mary's at the time and was in the labor and delivery unit, got to give me my first bath in the hospital!
  • Came home from the hospital

    Came home from the hospital
    I came home from the hospital 2 days after I was born, which is also my mom's birthday.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    In 2005, a large and very destructive hurricane caused fatalities, injuries, and lots of damage, mainly in the New Orleans area.
  • First birthday party

    First birthday party
    I had my first birthday party on this day and got a rocking horse from my grandparents.
  • I ended up in the ER!

    I ended up in the ER!
    At 2 years old, I ended up going to the ER and finding out I was allergic to the only thing I am still allergic to now, penicillin.
  • First ever iPhone was released

    First ever iPhone was released
    In 2007, the first ever iPhone was released by Apple. iPhones have become extremely popular ever since they were released.
  • When my Dora obsession started

    When my Dora obsession started
    Both my older cousin and I became obsessed with Dora the Explorer when we were little! Almost everything I had included Dora somewhere on it. My favorite blanket, "Blanks," was a purple Dora blanket.
  • Max died

    Max died
    My first dog, Max, died in 2008. He was a super friendly yellow lab that everyone adored.
  • Started kindergarten

    Started kindergarten
    I started kindergarten in 2009 at Marshall Elementary. I was so excited to go to school!
  • Tyler was born

    Tyler was born
    My little brother Tyler was born! I was very excited to become a big sister and couldn't wait to go see him in the hosptial.
  • Took swim lessons

    Took swim lessons
    I was very excited to learn how to swim and I have loved to go swimming ever since this day.
  • Went on my first Jeep ride in the sand dunes

    Went on my first Jeep ride in the sand dunes
    We used to go camping in Silver Lake over Memorial Day weekend with our church and I got to go on my first ever Jeep ride in the sand dunes.
  • Sandy Hook shooting

    Sandy Hook shooting
    In 2012, a tragic school shooting occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. 28 people died and 2 were injured. This was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
  • Went to Tigers game

    Went to Tigers game
    I went to a Detroit Tigers game with my cousins Bri and Kelsey. Bri and I even had matching shirts.
  • Went to Chicago for the 1st time

    Went to Chicago for the 1st time
    Bri and I went to Chicago for the first time and went to the fountain, the Bean, and got to try Chicago-style pizza.
  • My aunt Melodie died

    My aunt Melodie died
    My aunt Melodie died in 2015 only a couple of weeks after having her 2nd child. She was still young and we were all very shocked by her death. She left behind two kids, Annabelle and Braden, as well as her husband, and my uncle, Andy.
  • Stayed with family friends for a week

    Stayed with family friends for a week
    My parents went on a mission trip to Alaska in 2016 and my brother and I got to spend the week with our family friends, the Mulders.
  • Visited family in Washington D.C.

    Visited family in Washington D.C.
    My parents, Tyler, and I went to Washington D.C. to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins who live in Alexandria, Virginia, which isn't far from D.C. So, we got to see all the memorials, go to the museums, and went to the National Zoo.
  • Got bangs and my 2nd round of braces

    Got bangs and my 2nd round of braces
    At the start of 8th grade, I had to get bangs to cover up where I had cut my hair right at the top of my head when I was little! I also had to get my 2nd round of braces to finally straighten my teeth. (Yikes!)
  • Took segment 1 of driver's training

    Took segment 1 of driver's training
    I was pretty excited to start driver's training, but once I actually got my permit, I didn't really like driving because of the mean driving instructor I had in driver's ed! Thankfully, I like driving now and have my license.
  • No school because of Covid pandemic

    No school because of Covid pandemic
    In March of 2020, we ended up not having school in person. We had to switch over to doing assignments online and it was very weird and took a while to get used to. Most teachers ended up not giving much work and being extremely lenient.
  • Started dating Gary

    Started dating Gary
    In June of this year, I started dating my boyfriend Gary. I went to lots of baseball games this summer and we spent pretty much every day together! I have gotten really close with his family and they're practically my 2nd family now. It's hard not seeing him every day now that he's at college, but I will still see him on some weekends and during his breaks.