Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France/miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/miracle of Dunkirk
    From: May 27, 1940- June 4, 1940 Importance: The Importance of Dunkirk or Operation Dynamo was the miracle. The miracle was the civilians helping. Without the civilians help many lives would have been taken.
    • Civilian ships of all types participated in the effort
    • The civilian ships had to go through waters infested with German explosives
    • The nickname was Operation Dynamo
    • Some civilian ships were used as ferrys
    • In 9 days more than 338,000 soldiers were saved
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    From: July 10, 1940- October 31, 1940 Importance- The importance of the Battle Of Britain was that it was shown that Air Power alone could win a battle. -The Germans were thinking that the British would surrender so they launched the attack late.
    - Every moth the Germans lost 16% of their luwafte.
    -The British lost 21% of their air forces every month.
    -Many German pilots morals were damaged due to the second attack.
    -The battle was merely postponed by Hitler.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    From: September 8, 1941- January 27, 1944 The importance of the Siege of Leningrad was important because the people endured for a very long time.
    • The Siege lasted 880 days.
    • More than 1 million civilians died.
    • more than 300,000 Soviet soldiers died trying to protect the city.
    • The Soviet forces were less than 15% of the Germans
    • The people in town made a land bridge across the lake to receive supplies.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    From: July 17, 1942- February 2, 1943 The importance of the Battle of Stalingrad was that it stopped the Germans advance and turned the table towards the Allies.
    • One reason the Germans wanted Stalingrad was because it had Stalin's name on it.
    • Germans also wanted the town because it was an industrial town.
    • The Germans brought 330,000 soldiers initially. -Towards the end the Germans had 91,000 soldiers remanding.
    • An estimated 800,000 ally soldiers died.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    From: November 8, 1942- November 10, 1942 The importance was that it was the first time The US and Britain had worked together on an invasion.
    • Landing crafts were damaged due to a shallow beach at Oran.
    • The landing at Oran was similar to D-Day.
    • This was the first time a large American airdrop happened.
    • The French Resisted the Allies in the beginning.
    • The efforts were highly successful in all the places.
  • D-Day

    From: June 6, 1944 The importance of D-Day was that it was a huge victory and gave the Allies a gate to removing the Germans from France.
    • It was one of the largest amphibious invasions in history.
    • The Atlantic wall was a 2,400 mile beach area of bunkers, mines, and obstacles.
    • The operation was originally planned for the fifth but bad weather prohibited it.
    • 5,000 boats and 11,000 aircraft were used.
    • 4,000 troops lost their lives on the beach.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    From: Dec 16, 1944- Jan 25, 1945 The importance was that it was the last major German attack on the Western front.
    • The Germans were planning to go through the Ardennes on a route on which the had traveled 3 times before
    • Three German armies participated in total being over 1/4 of a million troops
    • The US army lost over 100,000 soldiers in the battle
    • The battle got its name from how the lines of the Allies looked like a bulge
    • The Germans Ran out of fuel which proved to be their undoing
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    From: Apr 16, 1945- May 2, 1945 The importance was that it was the end of WW2 in Europe.
    • Germany had roughly 1 million men and 10,000 artillery units.
    • Russia had about 2.5 million men and 41,000 artillery units.
    • Over 2 million artillery shells were fired into Berlin.
    • Over 2 thousand Russian tanks were destroyed.
    • 150,000 Germans were killed.