Life of Mr Brar

  • Birth

  • Moved from Malton to Brampton

  • First time visiting India

    First time visiting India
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
  • Passed my G1

    Passed my G1
  • Head Contusion - 3 Weeks Hospital

    Cause - Fight with friend about hockey game; Hit head of cement sidewalk
    Consequence(s) - Couldn't try out for the ball hockey team (ST); Missed 3 weeks of school; Relationship with friend changed (LT) Change and Continuity
    - My parents were much more protective and weary about me playing sports
    - Continued to play hockey and other contact sports
  • Met my Girlfriend

  • Graduated from High School

    Graduated from High School
  • First Car - 1999 Honda Civic

    First Car - 1999 Honda Civic
  • Graduated Brock University

    Graduated Brock University
  • Saw Frank Ocean Live at Wayhome

    Saw Frank Ocean Live at Wayhome
  • Left to teach in Dalian China

    Left to teach in Dalian China
    Cause - Not enough jobs in Canada, high salary, opportunity to travel, opportunity to pay off student debt Consequence - Paid off student debt in 4 months, Travelled to Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, improved my teaching ability, met amazing people Change
    - I became much more independent
    - Became more comfortable teaching TELL Continuity
    - I still want to be a teacher
  • Hugged an Elephant

  • First time eating Cow Tongue

  • Walked on the Great Wall of China

    Walked on the Great Wall of China
  • Drove from Regina to Toronto

  • Hired at Peel

    Hired at Peel
  • First LTO at Louise Arbour

    First LTO at Louise Arbour
  • Fractured Ankle

    Fractured Ankle
  • Mark Updates

    Gave mark updates to Grade 10s. Realized most arent that smart.