I Was ALIVE
    I was finally born in 3:00 in the morning. :) (my mom thought it was unfair because she was the last to hold me)
  • My Parents finally Got Married :P

    My Parents finally Got Married :P
    After two years of saving money, and patience, my parents got married. And my mom was pregnant with my younger sister at the time. I was a little flower girl /(^o^)/
  • Amina was born

    Amina was born
    My little monster sister was born and i was crying while it happened. I wonder why? (sarcasm)
  • Pretzel

    For my birthday, I got a tiny miniature dachsund named Pretzel, and i named him that from a book that I read called "Pretzel, the Longest Dog in the World".(^O^)
  • MOVING!!!!!

    My parents finally moved to a better house for the school district, and when we got here, i found a charm bracelet.
  • My First Day of School

    My First Day of  School
    I had my very first day of elementary school, and i was all scared and stuff because I had no idea what to do. : ( On the other hand, i made lots of new friends.

    My sister got a dog for her birthday named Cookie, but i wanted to name him Oreo
  • MADY was born

    MADY was born
    My youngest sister Mady was born, and on Labor Day. Coinsedence, I think not!!!!! While it was happening i was in the lobby watching Happy Feet.
  • I started the CELLO

    I started the CELLO
    In fourth grade i began the wonderous journey of playing an instrument.
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    On my first day of middle school, i was really scared for what was coming to me, but i managed to survive.