Leisure and Recreation in the USA

  • A group settles in America escaping religious persecution

  • Strong work ethic becomes the foundation of American culture when Protestants settled in America

  • 1st municipal park - The Boston Common - is developed in the U.S.

  • 1st Industrial Revolution

  • Frederick Law Olmstead designs Central Park in New York City

  • Period: to

    Father of the Playground Movement - Joseph Lee

  • 2nd Industrial Revolution

  • The first National Park - Yellowstone - was established

  • First volunteer and paid staff oversee children and their play in a recreation setting - the Playground movement

  • Jane Addams provided Hull House where immigrants could assimilate to American society

  • World War I

  • National park service is created

  • The Great Depression

  • Period: to

    Millions are employed through the New Deal - many of whom build thousands of recreation facilities

  • World War II

  • Therapeutic recreation is born as a distinct discipline following World War II

  • President's council on youth fitness established to promote health and wellbeing after a test comparing youth in the US to European countries showing those in the EU were in much better shape

  • 1970's Recession

  • Public recreation becomes less reliant on taxes and begins to take an entrepreneurial approach