Leading Up To The American Revolution Jun

By JunJ
  • The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock

    The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock
    To find their freedom of belief, pilgrims and others landed at the shore of Cape Cod(Present-day Massachusetts). People first planned to settle at the Hudson River, but they decided to go farther. They call their new settlement Plimoth or Plymouth because the Mayflower had sailed from the port of Plymouth in England. Plymouth Rock is the rock they first saw when they first stepped on the land of America.
  • Pennsylvania Becomes a Colony

    Pennsylvania Becomes a Colony
    William Penn was kicked out of his family because he was a Quaker, so he wanted to build a colony that has freedom of belief. So he bought part of New Jersey. Then named the new colony Pennsylvania.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The British wanted variable land in the Ohio Valley because that area was the key to the fur trade and gave access to water transportation. However, the French had it, so the British tried to fight with them but they lost many times to Indian and French allies. After William Pitt took over wartime operations, It became the turning point of war and the final blow was James Wolfe defeated the French at Plains of Abraham(Quebec)
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The law that put a tax on molasses replaced earlier tax.Many people didn’t like it because the tax was so high, and the law was for British officials to earn more money.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    A law that has the purpose to protect English merchants from being paid in depreciated colony monies(stopped making original colony money). This made conflict between colonies and the British even stronger.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    England wanted to pay their troops in the colonies, so they passed the Stamp Act. It put a tax on papers, documents, and other stuff. If the colonists didn’t pay, they were punished unfairly without a jury. The colonists hated this act. For them, it was an example of “taxation without representation.”
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    A law that colonists must provide their housing,bedding, and everything to soldiers stationed in colonies.Many colonists did not think that soldiers should stay at colonies during peacetime.soldiers were a reminder that Britain was trying to bully colonists into paying unjust taxes.
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    The Townshend Revenue Act
    A law that taxed goods such as glass, paper, tea, and other things. The taxes were low but colonists still objected. The colonists still thought that parliament did not have the right to tax them without their consent
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The incident in which British soldiers fired and killed the Boston crowd because they insulted them and threw them snowballs and other things. This made the relationship between colonists and the British even worse about the problems including tax.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The event that Sam Adams called the Sons of liberty with Indian disguises on the boat carrying the tea box to throw away the tea box in Boston harbor. It was civil disobedience. They wanted to tell their discontent to the British without fighting. They did this because Americans were angry with the tea act, which cut out the tea trade.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    First meetings of delegates from 13 colonies that became the United States. Held after Parliament passed laws punishing the colonists after the Boston tea party. In Pennsylvania, people talked about how they should boycott and fight against the British. The answer they got was making a Union and fighting with them because the British didn’t take back the law.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    Held in the summer of 1775. Held in order to discuss how they would fight with the British and how the government would work after they became an independent country.
  • Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech

    Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech
    It was a phrase that Patrick Henry said during his speech in the house of delegates of Virginia. What he said was to let colonies be officially independent and fight against the British. Without Patrick Henry, there will be no revolution, and this became an important turning point in history.
  • George Washington named Commander in Chief

    George Washington named Commander in Chief
    The Congress let George Washington as commander of the Colony Army because he has many previous military experiences and they believed that a leader from Virginia would make colonies more united