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Animal rights and court cases

Landmark Surpreme Court Cases Culminating Project

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    John Adams was about to finish his time in office, because he lost by his vice-president, Thomas Jefferson. Congress passed a new act that made several new judgeships. John Adams secretary of state was John Marshall, who had to sign the commisions in order to put the judges into office. John Marshall did not have time to deliever all the commison before Jefferso's new admin took in charger over the White House. This affects the world today, now justicies recieve thier commision on time.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    The government of the United States made the first national bank for the entire country in the year of 1791. The state of Maryland tried to close the Baltimore branch of the national back by passing a law that forced all banks created outside of the state to pay a tax. An employee James McColloch refused to pay the tax, and Maryland sued him. He was fined and convicted, but the decision was appealed. The tax was unconstitutional and today the states power are limited.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    In the year of 1834, a slave named Dred Scott was bought in Missouri and then bought to Illinois, which was a free,non-slave,state. Scott and his owner then moved to Minnesota where slavery was prohibited, and then back to Missouri. His ower died, Scott sued the widow that he was left to, claiming that he is not a slave anymore. In current times, slavery no longer exists therfore every man is free and does not have to face a trial in court to fight for freedom.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    In the year of 1890, the state of Louisiana passed a written law called the Seperate Car Act. It declared that all rail compleanies must be seperate but equal. The penalty for sitting in the wrong section, there was a fine for $25 or 20 days in jail. In 1892, Homer Plessy bought a first-class ticket and sat in white railcar. In today's times, regardless of race anyone can sit where they please in any forms of transportation.
  • Korematsu v. U.S.

    Korematsu v. U.S.
    After Pearl Harbor, the military was afraid that the Japanese Americans descent might be helping the enemy. A Japanese American, Fred Korematsu relocated and claimed to be Mexican-American to avoid interned and was later arrested and convicted of violating an executive order. He challenged his conviction in court saying that the government officials don't have the right to issue relocation orders based on race. Currently, there is no evident harm towards Japanese Americans due to the past.
  • Brown vs. Board of Ed. Topeka KS

    Brown vs. Board of Ed. Topeka KS
    In the city of Topeka, Kansas, schools were segregated by race. A girl named Linda Brown and her sister had to walk dangerous pathways to get to the bus stop for their ride to thier all black elementary school. Linda and her family felt that segregated school systems violates the 14th Amendment. The Federal District court decided that segregated public edcuation is harmful to black children. They had the same things so segregation was legal. Now, all has equal options to get the same education.
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Mapp v. Ohio
    Police officers found out that a suspect in a bombing case, as well as illegal betting equipment, might be found Dollree Mapp's home.They went to the house and asked for permission to enter, but Mapp refused to let them into her house without a search warrant. They returned with several other officers brandishing a piece of paper and broke in the door. Today, authorities need a search warrant to proceed to search your house or other property.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Gideon v. Wainwright
    A man named Gideon Wainwright was accused of breaking and entering after a witness observed him in the pool room early in the morning. Wainwright wanted to recieve the equal protcection rights as a citizen, so he asked for a lawyer. Since Gideon could not afford a lawyer, the court appointed him one. He did not do a fair job which encouraged the decision of the jury to make him guilty. Now, everyone is entitled to legal representation for a fair trial.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    A man named Ernesto Miranda was arrested after a victim from a crime identified him. However, the police officers questioned him not informing him of his sixth Amendment right to the assistance of an attorney or his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Later his attorney agued that his confession that he made should be taken out from the trial after he confessed his crime. Now we have our Miranda rights, rights that need to be read to every citizen before getting charged in trial.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines
    Mary Beth and John Tinker were from Des Moines, Iowa. They wore black armbands to their school symbolizing a protest against the Americans fighting in the Vietnam war. They did not obey and were subsequently suspended, now students have their rights inside the school unlike this case in which it was proven.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    A woman named Jane Roe was pregnant and unmarried in the state of Texas in 1970. The law in Texas was that it was a felony to abort a fetus unless it was to save the life of a mother according to medical advice. Jane Roe filed against the district attorney of Dallas County, Wade. Abortion is now legal and women have more rights than they have had in the past.
  • NJ v. T.L.O.

    NJ v. T.L.O.
    A female highschool student in New Jersey was accused of breaking the rules of the school by smoking in the bathroom. This lead an assistant principal to search her purse for some cigarettes. The vice principal found other items and marijuana that showed that the student deals with the drug. The student attempted to have her evidence from the purse suppressed. Having cigarettes in possession was not a violation of the school rules, now one cannot be suspicious without justifiable evidence.
  • Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
    Catherine Kuhlmeier was a student who took a position on the schools news publication, "The Spectrum". The review process is the Principal of the School overlooking the review of the content expressed in the news. After being discovered that the stories were about teen pregnancy and divorce, this violated students' privacy. Now students have thier first amendments rights in their schools and are able to voice thier opinion more.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Texas v. Johnson
    A man named Gregory Lee Johnson put kerosene on an American flag and it on fire to protest corporations in Dallas and the Reagan Administration's policies. No person had an injury or was hurt, but some people that witnessed the situation was highly offended. Gregory Johnson was convicted and charged with the desecration of a venerated object. Now flag burning is rarely occuring and states obtain different rules.