Lamb To The Slaughter

  • Introduction

    Mrs. and Mr.Maloney are married. She is a stay at home mom while he works as a police man.
  • First event

    Mr.maloney come home from work and is drinking more than usual. He tells his wife they need to talk and news isn't good, he tells her that they need a divorce.
  • Second event

    Mrs.Maloney is a stay at home wife soon to be mother and she doesnt have a job. she does not like thhis idea and pretends she imagined him saying this.
  • Third event

    Mrs.Maloney still contunes to cook dinner for him but he gets mad and tells her to sit down. She doesnt like the way he is treating her so she grabed the lamb leg that she was goin to cook and hit him over the head with it.
  • fouth event

    mrs.Maloney goes to the store to buy food for dinner, and pretends she came home to him dead.
  • fifth event

    She comes home and realizes her husband is actually dead.
  • sixth event

    She runs to the phone and calls 911...
  • seventh event

    the police show up (they are friends wiht her husband) she invites them to have lamb leg for dinner.
  • eighth event

    They decide to stay and eat because it is ther friends wife. they start to eat the lamb leg and talk aout how the murder weapon is right under there noses.
  • ninth event

    As they eat the lamb leg, Mrs.maloney is listening to them through the wall as she laughs to her self.