John dewey

John Dewey (1859-1952)

  • 1882 Admitted To Johns Hopkins University

    Having the persistence to attend Johns Hopkins University are multiple rejections for a fellowship, Dewey took an alternative avenue to get the money for school (his aunt Sarah Rich) and put in his application. In 1882, he received word that he was admitted. "Martin, Jay. The Education of John Dewey: a Biography. Columbia University Press, 2003, (pp.58)"
  • 1896 "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology"

    1896 "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology"
    In this article, Dewey challenged the view that organisms passively observe the world and accept the common acceptance of society, with his theory that organisms naturally interact with the environment going through trial and error phases that promotes adaptation to the new information.
  • 1904 Resignation From The University of Chicago

    1904 Resignation From The University of Chicago
    For not having a mutual understanding with the administration over the laboratory school, Dewey resigned from his post. However, up to this point Dewey had already established his philosophical reputation with his work such as "The School and Society"(1899) he was offered to invited the Department of Philosophy at Columbia University.
  • 1925 Experience and Nature

    In this book, Dewey stresses the major impact that the human experience can play on the way things are perceived in the world. Godfrey-smith, Peter. "John Dewey's Experience and Nature." Topoi, vol. 33, no. 1, 2014, pp. 285-291. ProQuest Youtube link-
  • 1930 Retirement From Active Teaching

    Over the course of the years 1879 through 1930, roughly 51 years of teaching, Dewey retires from active teaching. Though this was his retirement from active teaching, Dewey continued to make impactful work in his remaining years such as the book Art as Experience (1934)
  • 1934 Art as Experience

    In relation to the importance that experience shapes human life but also the aesthetic of in life. Emphasized that people can not be so single-minded to things but creative thinking and also seeing the creativity and beauty in life. Youtube link-