John Brown born in Torrington, CT.
Moved Hudson, OH
his father opened a tannery, and his fatehr was active in the underground railrod -
Traveling through Michigan he witnesses the beating of a slave boy
Age 16 went to Morris Academy in Litchfield, CT
Returned home to Ohio because of ailment never completed studies, became tanner
married Dianthe Lusk
Moved to New Richmond, PA
Dianthe and newborn son die leaving him a single father with 7children
Married 16 year old Mary Ann Day of Meadville, PA, he was 33
they had 13 children together --- totalling 20 -
Moves family to Farklin Mills Ohio where he borrowed money to open up a new tannery
Elijah Lovejoy is murdered and Brown publicly declares his intention to abolish slavery
Elijah Lovejoy is murdered and Brown publicly declares his intention to abolish slavery -
declared bankruptcy
Partnership with Col. Simon Perkins of Akro, Ohio
John Brown considered an expert in the wool industry
which brought him into contact with other anti-slavery people