Japan Timeline:)

  • 500

    Japan adopts the Chinese alphabet

  • Period: 500 to

    Japan Timeline

  • 552

    Introduction of Buddhism into Japan

  • Jan 1, 645

    Kotoku became the emperor of Japan

  • Jan 1, 1100

    The Talia & the Minamoto fought for control of Japan

  • Jan 1, 1330

    The Ashikaga clan seized power.

  • Jan 1, 1467

    Civil War erupts in Japan which is split among feudal lords

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu was given the title of shogun by the emperor. This title was held by the dynasty for 265 years

  • Ieyasu bans Christianity from Japan

  • The Japanese broke ties with all foreigners for the next 200 years

  • Mount Fuji erupts

  • The Japanese conquer Taiwan

  • Japan conquers Korea

  • World War 1- Japan declared was on Germany

  • The Heian Era- The Captial of Japan moved to Heian-Kyo

  • The Japanese emperor forbids contacts with China