inventions on industrial revolution

  • the spinning jenny

    the spinning jenny
    the multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool and cotton and had 8 spindles. Invented by James Hargreaves
  • (watt) steam engine

    (watt) steam engine
    Made to pump water at a faster and more efficient rate. Invented by James Watt.
  • power loom

    power loom
    was made to loom clothes at a much faster rate with less skilled people to operate them. Invented by Edmund Cartwright.
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    made to speed up the process of making cotton and picking out the seeds. invented by Eli Whitney.
  • Locomotive

    was used as a faster way for the transportation of goods and people. Invented by Richard Trevithick.
  • steamboat

    first steam-powered boast that made river trade easier and helped with transportation invented by Robert Fulton.
  • photgraph / camera

    photgraph / camera
    was made so people could capture images and show others who weren't already with them. it was invented by Joseph Nicephore Niepce.
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    made to decrease the amount of manual sewing in companies. invented by barthelemy thimonnier
  • telegraph

    a messaging system to communicate faster when far away. David Alter and Andre-Marie ampere both invented it at separate times.
  • dynamite

    the first made explosive invented by Alfred Noble.
  • telephone

    was made trying to improve the telegraph. large companies and wealthy people mainly used them. invented by alexander graham bell.
  • automobile

    was made to transport people faster and easier and was invented by Carl Benz.