Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was a period of time dating from around 1750 to 1914. During this period of time, a mass amount of inventions were created.
  • Watt Steam Engine

    The Watt Steam Engine was invented in 1763. It was invented by James Watt in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
    The Watt Steam Engine uses a cooled chamber where the condensation activity goes and then the steam heats up a cylinder.

    It was invented to reduce fuel consumption and increase the efficiency of the Newcomen's Steam Engine.
  • Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770. It was invented by James Hargreaves in Lancashire, United Kingdom.
    The Spinning Jenny had eight spindles where the thread was spun and by turning a wheel it spins eight threads simultaneously.
    It was invented to spin threads more quickly and with more efficiency.
  • Factory

    The Factory was invented in 1771. It was invented by Richard Arkwright in Cromford, United Kingdom.
    The Factory was the first proper factory to be made. At the time there was no form of safety, and children were employed to reduce costs and because they could fit under machinery.
    It was invented to reduce the costs of producing products and to create a workplace where they could employ children.
  • Power Loom

    The Power Loom was invented in 1785. It was invented by Edmund Cartwright in Doncaster, United Kingdom.
    The Power Loom uses a large shaft to speed up the process of textile manufacturing.
    It was invented for a more efficient and automated method of weaving.
  • Electric Battery

    The Electric Battery was invented in 1800. It was invented by Alessandro Volta at the University of Pavia, Italy.
    The Electric Battery was a source of electric current and it was dependable and simple. It is an older and more complicated version of the battery we have today.
    It was invented to allow scientists to learn things about electricity and to create new technologies and inventions.
  • Ice Box

    The Ice Box was invented in 1802. It was invented by Thomas Moore in Maryland, United States.
    The Ice Box is a wooden box filled with materials like tin and zinc with a large piece of ice inside, and it is lined with insulating materials like rabbits fur.
    It was invented to keep certain foods from perishing for a much longer time.
  • Pig Iron

    Pig Iron was invented in 1828. It was invented by James Neilson in Scotland, United Kingdom.
    Pig Iron was a piece of metal that was manufactured and tampered with to be hardened.
    It was invented to be used in building, engineering and later used to create steel.
  • Stephenson's Rocket

    Stephenson's Rocket was invented in 1829. It was invented by George Stephenson.
    Stephenson's Rocket used a blastpipe to put spent steam from the pistons to the bottom of the smokestack.
    It was created to increase the speed of travel by train by a large amount.
  • Sewing Machine

    The Sewing Machine was invented in 1846. It was invented by Elias Howe in New Hartford, United States.
    The needle broke through the fabric and a loop was formed in the thread, and simultaneously, a shuttle holding another thread passed through the loop.
    It was invented to mass-produce clothing and it also increased the number of sewing machines being made.
  • Elevator Safety Brake

    The Elevator Safety Brake was invented in 1853. It was invented by Elisha Otis in New York, United States.
    The Elevator Safety Brake was a spring that was fastened to the elevator platform and lifting cable. If the cable snapped, the spring would launch, latching onto beams causing the elevator to stop.
    It was invented to stop deaths from the failure of hemp ropes on previously used elevators.
  • Bessemer Process

    The Bessemer Process was invented in 1855. It was invented by Henry Bessemer in Sheffield, United Kingdom.
    The Bessemer Process was a machine that could extract steel out of molten pig iron. It used a side-blown fixed converter with no source of heat on the outside.
    It was created to be a more cost-efficient way of mass-producing steel using molten pig iron. It made a good quality steel cost less.
  • Dynamite

    Dynamite was invented in 1866. It was invented by Alfred Noble in Geesthacht, Germany.
    Dynamite is a tool that explodes when the fuse that is connected to it is lit on fire.
    It was invented to explode holes in the ground to create openings for trapped people to escape.
  • Phonograph

    The Phonograph was invented in 1877. It was invented by Thomas Edison in New Jersey, United States.
    The Phonograph was a machine that could record sounds by turning a handle and speaking into a cylinder, and then play them.
    It was invented to decipher telegraphic messages on paper tape to be later sent over the telegraph frequently.
  • Induction Electric Motor

    The Induction Electric Motor was invented in 1887. It was invented by Nikola Tesla in New York, United States.
    The Induction Electric Motor is a motor that uses magnetic fields created within the rotor to be lured to the magnetic field being made by the stator.
    It was invented to make drives for machines easy and be more affordable.
  • Roller Coaster

    The Roller Coaster was invented in 1898. It was invented by Edwin Prescott in New York, United States.
    The Roller Coaster used a cart that was put on a track that went on a circular loop. It used centrifugal force to make sure the cart was on the track while it travelled around the loop.
    It was invented for entertainment and as an activity. It was made for theme parks and amusement parks.