Immigration Laws Timeline

  • Naturalization Act

    Naturalization Act
    Image SourceEvery free white person is a citizen
  • Foreign Minor Tax

    Taxed Chinese $3 a month to limit Chinese population in California
  • 1854

    Testimony of other races against whites was invalid
  • 1859

    Chinese were excluded from public schools in San Francisco
  • 1864

    Firstimigration law was created; encouraged most people to come to the United States
  • 1880

    image sourceCalifornia prohibited inter racial marriges
  • Chinese Exclution Act

    Chinese Exclution Act
    banned chinese laborers from emmigrating to the United States for ten years and benned citizenship from them
  • 1898

    image sourcethe Philipines become part of United States territory
  • 1902

    Congess extended the Chinese Exclution Act
  • Pensionado Act

    Pensionado Act
    image sourceallowed filipinos to study in the United States
  • 1906

    image sourceAsian students must attend segregated schools
  • Gentalmen's Agreement

    made Japan to impose restrictions on immigration to United Stated
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    image sourceit expanded the restrictions on criminals and the insane
  • California Alien Land Act

    California Alien Land Act
    image sourceexcluded aliens from owning land
  • Barred Zone Act

    Barred Zone Act
    image sourcebanned immigration from large areas, mainly asia
  • Immigration Act of 1921

    An anual limit on the number of immigrants from specifit countries
  • National Origins

    National Origins
    image sourceit imposed a 2% quota rather than a 3% quota
  • Executive Order 9066

    Stationed 110,000 Japanese to 10 internet camps
  • Magnuson Exclusion Act

    Magnuson Exclusion Act
    it allowed chinese immigrants to become citizens, but only 105 chinese could immigrate per year
  • 1945

    internet camps were closed
  • Filipino Naturalization Act

    Filipino Naturalization Act
    image sourceallowed people from the Philipines and India to immigrate to the United States and gave them citizenship
  • Displaced Persons Act

    Displaced Persons Act
    image sourceallowed 3,500 Chinese who were caught in the United States because of the Chinese Civil War
  • McCarran-Walter Act

    McCarran-Walter Act
    image sourceit allowed immigration of nonquota immigrants such as spouces and children; but it banned Communist
  • Nationality Act of 1965

    it stated that family unificationwould be the guiding principalfor immigration
  • 1968

    cap of 12,000 was placed on immigrants from the western hemisphere, the number of Asian immigrants rose
  • 1984

    Filipino World War II veterans are denied U.S citizenship even though they faught for the U.S
  • Simpson-Rodino Act

    raised the ceiling on immigration from Hong Kong from 600 to 5,000
  • Civil Liberties Act

    Civil Liberties Act
    image sourcethey apologized to the thousands of Japanese Americans that were plkaced in internet camps during World War II
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    capped total immigration at 700,000 (lowerd to 675,000 in 1995)