lifetime of lucy
Lucy lived 4 million years ago BCE. She was a Australopithecus Afarensis. She was about 4 feet tall. She walked on two feet. She had teeth to chew and eat. -
The handyman got his name becaus he was found near tools and people think that he might have been a tool maker. Lived 2 milion years ago. He was a homo habilis. -
upright man
the upright man was a homo erectus. he walked on his two feet. He ate with his teeth. He was taller than the other two. Lived 1.8 billion years ago. -
homo sapiens neandrathal
they had brains. teeth to eat. as tall has the modern day people (us). they lived 500,000 years ago. -
homo sapiens sapiens
they are us. the modern time people. the people living now. the modern humans. -
rise of the kingdom of Sumer
in sumer the ruler is a king and he is chosen by the gods.everybody believed in the same things. pollytheism believe in several gods. on top of their temples were ziggurats. around 2900 BCE -
the epic of gilgamesh
in the story of gilgamesh, gilgamesh is determined to find eternal life for himeself. he goes through many wild adventurs. by the end he realizes the things he has done and the city, (Uruk) he had built will help him live forever. this story is very important. it teaches us to be grateful for what we have and to look in front of us to find what we are looking for. -
abraham lived in about 1900 BC. he lived in Ur a city in Mesopotamia. god commanded him to leave his home and move to israel. sarah his wife could not have children. in her elderly years she had a baby. his name was issac. abraham was commended by got to sacrifice his son. right when he was about to do and angel came and told him no that it was just a test of faith. this was around1900 BCE. -
hammurabi's code
hammurabi was the ruler of babylon. he did many things to help build a strong empire. the code states all the laws and concewuences if they are broken. the laws are a little harsh and vilolent but we dont know exacxtly what their time was like. maybe they needed rules like that to keep peace. this was about 1792-1750 BCE -
joseph was sold to egypt by his brothers because of their jealousy of how he was their fathers favorite. soon by using his gift of reading dreams the pharoah makes him second in command. years later his family come for food from israel because of the sudden famine. they reunite and live in egypt for a long period of time. this was around 1700-1780 BCE -
moses is a isaelite risen by the pharaoh of egypt's daughter. when he finds out he is not egyptian god tells him to free his people. the pharoah refuses. then the seven plaegues come. the pharaoh agrees then changes his mind at the last minute. moses parts the red sea and when the soldiers try to pass thorugh it they get drowned. later in there journey moses is given the ten commandments by god. this was about 1280-1240 BCE -
he Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
she was the only female judge of her time, she under a palm tree and people when to her with their problems, she told barack he had to go to war, she goes with him, the leader of the other soldiers goes to yiel and she puts a wooden peg through his head and delivers his body yo deborah, this was approx the 13 century and middle of the 11th century BCE -
The Reign of David
was at war with the philistines, golith 9 ft tall, no war if someone could defeat him, if he wins they will be his slaves, if davids people win golith and his people will be slaves. no one vhalenges golith, david finally does, with a sling shot and stone he defeats golith. this was approx 1013-973 BCE -
he was a prophet during the famin and drought, no one was worshiping god, god promises elijah water in the middle of desert a raven will bring food, elijah tells king and queen theyre sinning, they want him to prove it. he gets a bull and wood the priets pray to their god no fire. elijah drenches the wood gets the bull prays to god and fire comes. he doesnt die he is carried to heaven in a firey chariot, this was approx 875-853 BCE -
Siege of Lachish
lachish and many other countries were victims of war. the war was started ebcause of the ruler's rebellion. they lost the war -
Siege of Jerusalem
cwar caused by lack of common sense, challenged a way stronger king and his kingdom, their kings name was Nebuchadnezzar -
indus valley civilizations
huge water tanks found, proof that indus river valley and modern hinduism connected.artifacts and relics found dating back as early as 2000 BCE, statues of of pregnant women "mother goddesses" the firtility and strength of the goddess and rebirth. mohenjodaro major city in indus, -
The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas
invasion of aryan tribe around 1700 BCE, aryans a powerful race, conquered people through europe and asia, when invading indus they brought different religion and ways of life, vedas, rig vedas collection of hymns dating back to as early as 5000 BCE. -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads
ascetic person who dedicated to a life of spiritual auserity and self-discipline, live in forest, gather with other to live lives of intense devotion and meditation, the upanishads, authored by asectics between 700-500 BCE, central belief of upanishad is atman, atman is a persons soul which must return to brahmah, the universal soul