History of New Zealand

  • Period: 952 to 1000

    East Polynesian populated the New Zealand

    Between 952 and 1150 some Polynesian population came to New Zealand, they were the first men to live in New Zealand
  • Abel Tasman made the first recorded

    Abel Tasman made the first recorded
    Tasman is a Duch navigator who was the first to recorded and sketched of the two main island’s west coasts the New Zealand
  • James Cook explored the New Zealand’s coastline

    James Cook explored the New Zealand’s coastline
    James Cook an English Captain explores the New Zealand coastline during is three South Pacific voyages
  • The United Kingdom established British sovereignty thought the Treaty of Waitangi signed with Maori chiefs.

    The United Kingdom established British sovereignty thought the Treaty of Waitangi signed with Maori chiefs.
    Maori and English established a treaty
  • the Maori won the right to a certain number of reserved seats in the Parliament

    the Maori won the right to a certain number of reserved seats in the Parliament
    It’s during the New Zealand’s livestock industry began to expand that the Maori won the right to certain number seats un the Parliament
  • Women received the right to vote in national elections

    Women received the right to vote in national elections
    It was the first time when the women New Zealander had the voting right
  • New Zealand was declared a dominion by a royal proclamation

    New Zealand was declared a dominion by a royal proclamation
    It achieved full internal and extrenal autonomy by the Statue of Westminster
  • New Zealand form the South Pacific Commission with Australia, France, United States qnd United Kingdom

    New Zealand form the South Pacific Commission with Australia, France, United States qnd United Kingdom
    Just after the Second World War, the New Zealand formed with other countries the South Pacific Commission and they establish the South Pacific Forum
  • the National Party again formed the government

    the National Party again formed the government
    for the first time
  • New Zealand inaugurated a mixed-member proportional system to elect its parliament.

    New Zealand inaugurated a mixed-member proportional system to elect its parliament.
    The system was designed to increase representation of smaller parties in the parliament