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history of computers

  • 1st generation of computers

    1st generation of computers
  • Period: to

    1st generation of computers

    used vacuum tubes
    were very large expensive and required huge amount of electricity
  • 2nd generation of computers

    2nd generation of computers
  • Period: to

    2nd generation of computers

    used transistors instead of vacuum tubes
    faster and cheaper
  • 3rd generation computer

    3rd generation computer
  • Period: to

    3rd generation computer

    an integrated circuit (ID)is a small as a transistor but it can work as thousands of them
    integrated circuits made computers fasters cheapers and smaller
    they use less electricity and made fewer mistakes
  • 4th generation computer

    4th generation computer
  • Period: to

    4th generation computer

    Use microprocessors
    Are smaller portable and cheaper
    they use less electricity and produce less heat
  • 5th generation of computers

    5th generation of computers
  • Period: to

    5th generation of computers

    Are the most advanced computers
    Scienntists are now trying to develop fifth.generation computers. This is called artificial intelligence (AI)