Dutch explore Australia
Dutch settlers first arrived in Australia, but they didn't settle. They were attacked by the natives and abandoned any hope of further exploring Aus tralia. -
The British give it a shot
Captain James Cook sailed to Australia from Great Britan and claimed New South Wales for England. -
British prisoners settle in Australia
The British established a colony for prisoners in a place called Port Jackson, which is now the city of Sydney. Other jail colonies were founded in what is currently Hobart and Brisbane. So, many of the early settlers in Australia were convicts or soldiers. -
Australian boundaries created
The government created boundaries that divided the states in Australia . Those boundaries are still used today. -
Criminals stop coming to Australia
The method of putting convicts in Australia ceased. -
Commonwealth of Australia was formed
The Commonwealth of Australia was established by non-prisoners and government officials. -
Immigration Restriction Act
Australia was promoting an all white or European land at the time, so they enfoced a law that restricted immigration to people primarily of European descent. It basically banned all non-Cacausions from entering Australia. -
Federal government passed laws helping Aborigines
At this time a series of laws were aimed directly toward helping the Aborigines .After that Aborigines received many rights such as national voting rights and being recognized as citizens. -
All legal relations with England cut
All legal ties with the British were cut so Australians were no longer controlled by Britan . People called this the Australian Act .Australia is now a parlimetary democracy. -
On this day 55% of voters rejected the idea of switiching from thecurrent parlimentary democracy to a independent republic.