
Historical Novel Project

  • May: Lidice, Czechoslovakia (Book)

    Great start of Melinda and her family before all the destruction happened. Melinda is exited about her birthday and her bestfriend's birthday too
  • June 1941 German troops (Region)

    June 1941 German troops (Region)
    German troops invaded Soviet territory
  • Germany's defeat (Region)

    Germany's defeat (Region)
    1941 defeat of the German army in its attempt to take Moscow and the entry of the United States into World War II
  • Guatemala presidential election (World)

    Guatemala presidential election (World)
    Jorge Ubico y Castañeda’s presidential term was extended to 15 March 1949 by a Constituent Assembly on 11 September 1941.
  • First Nazi appearance (Book)

    First Nazi appearance (Book)
    German, Nazi soldiers barge into Milinda's house and took her family.
  • Summer-Autumn: Puschkau (Book)

    Summer-Autumn: Puschkau (Book)
    Milinda was taken to a place away from her family where she was with other girls that looked like her. They were taught German and other German qualities. Trying to turn them into German kids. The program was called "Hitler youth girls"
  • Labor Shortage (Region) 1942-1943

    Labor Shortage (Region) 1942-1943
    Labor shortages in the German war economy became critical after German defeat in the battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943
  • arrangements to the camps (Region)

    arrangements to the camps (Region)
    the SS and private industry was the I.G. Farben company's establishment of a synthetic rubber plant at Auschwitz
  • Puerto Rico 1942 (World)

    Lévi-Strauss was a refugee from a catastrophe, man-made, who looked at Puerto Rico as a safe harbor.
  • Period: to

    Expansion of camps (Region)

    hundreds of subcamps were established for each concentration camp. Subcamps were located in or near factories or sites for the extraction of raw materials.
  • Winter-Spring: Puschkau, Poland (Book)

    Winter-Spring: Puschkau, Poland (Book)
    Had been in the center for about 7 months. The girls were not allowed to talk any other language but German.
  • Nazi anniversary (Region)

    Nazi anniversary (Region)
    The 30th January was the anniversary of the Nazi regime taking power.
  • Mexico 1943 (World)

    Mexico 1943 (World)
    Paricutín, erupts in a farmer’s field in Michoacan.
  • summer 1943-Winter 1944 (Book)

    Milinda was given a new name, Eva. "Eva" started making new friends and getting used to the routine.
  • April 1944 (Book)

    April 1944 (Book)
    After a long time in the youth program school, all the girls were ready to be released into a new family and live their lives as German girls.
  • Evolution of camps (Region)

    Evolution of camps (Region)
    Camps like Auschwitz in Poland, Buchenwald in central Germany, Gross-Rosen in eastern Germany, Natzweiler-Struthof in eastern France, and Ravensbrueck near Berlin became centers of huge networks of subsidiary forced-labor camps.
  • Japan 1944 (World)

    Japan 1944 (World)
    Operation Hailstone, executed by the United States in 1944, destroyed 12 Japanese warships, 32 merchant ships and 249 aircraft
  • Period: to

    Liberation (Region)

    the Allied armies liberated the concentration camps.
  • Winter-Spring: Furstenberg, Germany (Book)

    Winter-Spring: Furstenberg, Germany (Book)
    Germany is under attack, by Russia. Milinda and her new family have to hide out in their house, because of bombings and other dangerous acts.
  • June 1945 (Book)

    June 1945 (Book)
    The war is over. Hitler is dead. Eva and her adopted family were able to move back to their house from their shelter
  • After the war (Book)

    Once Melinda and her adoptive family were able to go back home, from the shelter, a social worker came looking for Melinda to take her back to her real mom.
  • Many prisoners still left (Region)

    Many prisoners still left (Region)
    According to SS reports, there were more than 700,000 prisoners left in the camps in January 1945.
  • Total number of deaths (Region)

    Total number of deaths (Region)
    It has been estimated that nearly half of the total number of concentration camp deaths between 1933 and 1945 occurred during the last year of the war.
  • China 1945 (World)

    China 1945 (World)
    In 1945, the leaders of the Nationalist and Communist parties, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong, met for a series of talks on the formation of a post-war government.
  • October 1946 (Book)

    After Milinda is reunited with her mom, and she is well enough. They move to a cousins house and begin living their lives