my life

  • Birth

  • Started daycare

    Started daycare
  • Took my first steps

    Took my first steps
    At 9 months
  • My first word

    Was daddy
  • Alex is born

    Alex is born
  • Firts Vacation to the Ozarcs

    Firts Vacation to the Ozarcs
  • Started preschool

    Started preschool
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
  • First Reconciliation

  • First Holy Communion

  • Went to Colorado

  • Grandpa died

    Grandpa died
  • Made Azzurii hotshot team

  • First Okaboji

  • Went to Colorado

    Went to Colorado
  • Made first ofc team

    Made first ofc team
    Where I met my 2 closest friends
  • Angle died

    Angle died
  • First travel tournament

    First travel tournament
  • I got my black belt in taekwondo

    I got my black belt in taekwondo
  • Made a better ofc team

  • Day I got my braces