Greece and Rome Technological advaces

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 50

    Greece and Rome Technological advaces

  • 515 BCE


    The Crane was used in greece to make construction more efficent
  • 500 BCE


    The Greece was one of the first civilization to create a plumbing system
  • 480 BCE

    Spiral Staircase

    Spiral Staircase
    The purpose of Spiral Staircases was to mainly save space
  • 400 BCE


    The Catapault was made in Greece to increase military power it would hurl a boulder at enemies to cause great damage
  • 312 BCE


    Created by the romans as a means of transfering freshwater from a nearby water source such as a lake to be used by the city
  • 300 BCE

    Alarm Clock

    By dropping a pebble on a on a gong it would act like a a modern day alarm clock
  • 300


    An earlier form of a cannon said to be created by either Ctesibius of Alexandria or Archimedes In Greece