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German Expansion Timeline

By 81027
  • Period: to

    German Expansion Timeline

  • Taking Over Austria And Czechoslovakia?

    Taking Over Austria And Czechoslovakia?
    Hitler comes up with the idea of annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia to grow Germany.
  • Marching Into Austria

    Marching Into Austria
    German troops march into Austria and take it over with no fight. Most Austrians were German and wanted to unify.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was signed and part of Czechoslovakia becomes German without a single gun shot.
  • Goodbye Czech

    Goodbye Czech
    The rest of Czechoslovakia is taken over by Germany.
  • Nonagression Act Signed

    Nonagression Act Signed
    Germany and Russia agree on the Nonaggression Act. This means they are never allowed to attack each other.
  • Poland Invasion

    Poland Invasion
    Germany invades Poland from the west and Russia invades Poland from the east.
  • War Declared on Germany

    War Declared on Germany
    Poland, Britain, and France declare war on Germany.
  • Denmark and Norway Invasion

    Denmark and Norway Invasion
    Germany surprises everyone by invading Denmark and Norway.
  • France Succumbs

    France Succumbs
    France surrenders to Germany.