• 508 BCE


    The rule by the people to choose the goverment and the people who write the rules
  • 476 BCE

    Tolosako erremusma frantzian bisigodoek sortu suten.

  • 418 BCE


  • 409 BCE


  • 587

    Liver iudicordun recesvinto garaian batasun juridismoa erresuma osorako lege bakarra

  • 589

    rekadero erregea bisgodoa katolizismoa bihurtu zen.

  • 711

    Muslmanak sartu ziren iberiar penintsulara

  • 715

    Al-andalus damasko medearen emirerria

  • 756

    Abd ar rahman I.ak Al-andalus emirerri independiente egingo du.

  • 929

    Abd ar rahman III.AK Al andalus kalifa herria egin zuen

  • 1578

    Felipe III

    Felipe III
    The most important measure of the reign of Philip III was the expulsion of the Moors from Spain.
  • 30 Years War

    30 Years War
    The Thirty Years' War tore the heart of Europe between 1618 and 1648: a quarter of the German population died amid violence, famine and plague, entire regions of central Europe
  • Galileo

    Observations of the sky made using the telescope demonstrated to Galileo that the objections to the Copernican theory, according to which the Earth and the planets revolved around the Sun.
  • Peace of Westfalia

    Peace of Westfalia
    The Peace of Westphalia refers to a series of multilateral treaties signed in the region of Westphalia, specifically in the German towns of Münster and Osnabrück, between January and October 1648, which put an end to the Thirty and Eighty Years' Wars.
  • Philip IV

    Philip IV
    Philip IV signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 in order to concentrate all the resources of the Spanish monarchy on the reconquest of the rebellious kingdom: from this date, Spain was finally at peace with France, England and the Netherlands.
  • Carlos II

    Carlos II
    During his reign, two wars against France took place. In 1684 in Regensburg, a twenty-year truce was signed with France, a truce that was broken in 1690 when an alliance was concluded between Spain, England, the Netherlands and the Empire, giving rise to a third war confrontation that would last until 1697.
  • Enlightment

    An European cultural and intellectual move from 17th and18th
  • Toleration

    A repussot to impose pantive smations for dissort from prevciling
  • Deism

    An creator religous acttitude that found exprresion between front of England whilers being aiba Eduart Helard.
  • T. Newcomen's Steam engine

    T. Newcomen's Steam engine
    The Newcomen engine, or atmospheric steam engine, was invented in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen, advised by the physicist Robert Hooke and the mechanic John Calley. This machine was an improvement over Thomas Savery's machine.
  • Nation

    Group of people living in the same place with the same goverent, culture...
  • Social contract

    Social Contract Theory is the idea that society exists because of an implicitly agreed-to set of standards that provide moral and political rules of behavior. McCombs School of Business.
  • James Hargreaves' spinning jenny

    James Hargreaves' spinning jenny
    The spinning jenny was a machine used for spinning wool or cotton. English inventor James Hargreaves created it about 1767 and patented it in 1770. The spinning jenny helped to usher in the Industrial Revolution in the textile industry.
  • James Watt's Steam engine

    James Watt's Steam engine
    Watt's steam engine, also known as the Boulton and Watt steam engine, was the first practical steam engine, becoming one of the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution. James Watt developed the design sporadically between 1763 and 1775, with the support of Matthew Boulton.
  • Separation of Powers

    Division of the legislative, executive or juridical funtion .
  • State

    First-order administration unit.
  • Estate

    A class of people in a political community any of the 3 groups.