
  • Marshall Plan

    Another Attempt by president Truman to help countries fight against communism. He would support countries economically and not only military support.
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    Part of Lyndon B Johnson's plan, the government launched many programs to help poverty such as, Head Start, Job Corps, and VISTA.
  • Social Security Acts

    Part of the President Johnson Plan for Great Society. This legislation gave people 65 and up, Medicare which was a health insurance plan.
  • Higher Education Acts

    President Johnson's Plan for a Great Society. This legislation created financial aid for students, low interest loans for schools, and federal scholarships.
  • Space Race 1955-1975

    The space race was a part of the cold war. America had a pursuit and a goal to have the first man on the moon. This led to the creation of NASA and technological advancements. This created jobs and made MONEYYYY