Civil war

By fatlard
  • Period: to

    civil war timeline

  • Lincoln elected president

    Lincoln elected president
    abraham lincoln was elected 16th president of the united states
  • confederate states are formed

    confederate states are formed
    all confederate states are formed
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    was the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, that started Civil War. the south won and took over the fort. it significant because the south got to take over the fort.
  • Lincoln orders blockade of the south

    Lincoln orders blockade of the south
    lincoln blokaded the south. it was significant because the south couldn't get to the north
  • 1st battle of bull run

    1st battle of bull run
    union army suffers a defeat at Bull Run 25 miles southwest of Washington. Union troops fall back to Washington. it was significant because it gave the south more room to trap in the union and the south could get higher in the north.
  • emancipation proclimation take effect

    emancipation proclimation take effect
    is an executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on september, 22, 1863, during the American Civil War using his war powers. It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the ten states. it was signifacant because it gave slaves freedom in 10 states.
  • Monitor vs. Virginia

    Monitor vs. Virginia
    the first Confederate ironcladÐ stormed out of the James River, where the vessel destroyed two of the Union ships and retreated for the night. it was significant because it was the introduction of the ironclads as warships.
  • shiloh

    Confederate soldiers under the command of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston poured out of the nearby woods and struck a line of Union soldiers occupying ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River. The overpowering Confederate offensive drove the unprepared Federal forces from their camps and threatened to overwhelm Ulysses S. Grant’s entire command. it was significant becuase it was a confederate win
  • 7 day campaign

    7 day campaign
    Over the course of seven days of fighting, General Robert E. Lee attacks George McClellan's Union Army of the Potomac near Richmond, Virginia. Huge casualties cause McClellan to withdraw north towards Washington.. it was significant to the war because it was a turning point for the south they pushed the union back up north
  • antietam

    Hooker’s corps mounted a powerful assault on Lee’s left flank that began the single bloodiest day in American military history. Attacks and counterattacks swept across Miller’s cornfield and fighting swirled around the Dunker Church. Union assaults against the Sunken Road eventually pierced the Confederate center, was confederate victory. was significant because it added to the confederates victory list
  • emancipation proclimation issued

    emancipation proclimation issued
    is an executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on september, 22, 1863, during the American Civil War using his war powers. It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the ten states. it was signifacant because it would give slaves freedom which was what the union wanted
  • 2nd battle of bullrun

    2nd battle of bullrun
    The attacks were repulsed with heavy casualties on both sides. At noon, Longstreet arrived on the field from Thoroughfare Gap and took position on Jackson’s right flank. On August 30, Pope renewed his attacks, seemingly unaware that Longstreet was on the field. When massed Confederate artillery devastated a Union. was a confederate victory. it was significant because it put the confederates in the lead with wins
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. it was significant because it ended all slavery in the united state which is what the unioun wanted to happen
  • chancellorvile

    As the Federal army converged on Chancellorsville, General Hooker expected Lee to retreat from his forces, which totaled nearly 115,000. Although heavily outnumbered with just under 60,000 troops - Lee had no intention of retreating. The Confederate commander divided his army: one part remained to guard Fredericksburg, while the other raced west to meet Hooker's advance. When the van of Hooker's column clashed with Confederates. was union victory.
    was significant because jackson lost his arm
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle with the largest number of casualties in the American Civil War, it is often described as the war's turning point. it was a union victory, it was significant because the north won which gave them a bigger lead in the war
  • vicksburg

    As the Federal army converged on Chancellorsville, General Hooker expected Lee to retreat from his forces, which totaled nearly 115,000. Although heavily outnumbered with just under 60,000 troops - Lee had no intention of retreating. The Confederate commander divided his army: one part remained to guard Fredericksburg, while the other raced west to meet Hooker's advance. it was significant because the uniohn blockaded the confederates.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and is one of the most well-known speeches in United States history. It was delivered by Lincoln during the American Civil War, , four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg. it was significant because it was a speech by abraham lincoln and was one of the most well know speeches
  • chattanooga

    was a series of maneuvers and battles in October and November 1863, during the American Civil War. Following the defeat of Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans's Union Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Chickamauga in September. it was significant because it was a series of manuevers and battles that made a huge impact on the war
  • grant takes over

    grant takes over
    Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant commander of all Union armies, ending his long search for a decent general to command northern forces. General William T. Sherman takes over as commander in the West. it was significant because it was a new leader
  • lincoln re-elected

    lincoln re-elected
    abraham lincoln was re-elected president. this was significant to the war because he played a big role in the war
  • march to sea

    march to sea
    Savannah Campaign conducted around Georgia from November 15, 1864 to December 21, 1864 by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army in the American Civil War. The campaign began with Sherman's troops leaving the captured city of Atlanta, Georgia, it is significantt bcause it was the unioun taking over the confederates
  • savannah falls

    savannah falls
    Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The purpose of this “March to the Sea” was to frighten Georgia’s civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman’s soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back. it was significant becaause it added to the ground that the unioun took over.
  • occupy richmond

    occupy richmond
    Abraham Lincoln issues instructions on surrender discussions. He gives Grant wide-ranging powers on military matters, but reserves political matters for himself. it was significant becuase it ends the war
  • lee surrenders

    lee surrenders
    his army surrounded, his men weak and exhausted, Robert E. Lee realized there was little choice but to consider the surrender of his Army to General Grant. After a series of notes between the two leaders, they agreed to meet on April 9, 1865, at the house of Wilmer McLean in the village of Appomattox Courthouse. The meeting lasted approximately two and one-half hours and at its conclusion the bloodliest conflict in the nation's history neared its end.
  • Abraham Lincoln shot and killed

    Abraham Lincoln shot and killed
    abraham lincoln was shot and killed this is significant to the war becuase he was a major part in the union part of the war.