Chapter 7

  • The First Free School

    The first "free school" in Virginia opens. However, education in the Southern colonies is more typically provided at home by parents or tutors.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson proposes a two-track educational system, with different tracks in his words for "the laboring and the learned."
  • Free Public Education

    Pennsylvania state constitution calls for free public education but only for poor children. It is expected that rich people will pay for their children's schooling.
  • Bill Of Rights

    The Bill of Rights passes, making education a function of the state.
  • The Chalkboard

    The chalkboard was one of educations first technological advances.
  • First Pubic High School

    First public high school in the U.S., Boston English, opens.
  • Public School Becomes Free For Everyone

    Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school open to all pupils free of charge.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann accepts position as Secretary of Massachusetts newly created Board of Education.
  • Teacher Education

    The first school for teacher education opens.
  • First Mandatory Attendance Law

    The first mandatory attendance law is passed.
  • First Mandatory Attendance Law

    In 1857, National Teachers Association was founded. It was created by forty-three educators in Philadelphia.
  • Department of Education Established

    In 1867, the Department of Education was established. It was created to help states establish effective school systems.
  • Committee of Ten

    In 1892, the Committee of Ten was established to create a standardized curriculum for high schools
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the state of Louisiana has the right to require "separate but equal" railroad cars for Blacks and whites. This decision means that the federal government officially recognizes segregation as legal. One result is that southern states pass laws requiring racial segregation in public schools.
  • The Pencil

    The pencil is mass produced.
  • American Association of Universities

    At the turn of the century, the American Association of Universities promoted higher standards. This was done in order to put American universities on the same playing field as European universities.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison stated, "Books will soon be obsolete in the schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye..." This was in reaction to educational television.
  • Progressive Education Association

    In 1919, led by John Dewey, the Progressive Education Association was founded. The aim was to reform the entire school system of America. It was based on the ideas pertaining to separate academic education for few and vocational studies for the masses.
  • The Radio

    Radios are incorporated into education.
  • The Overhead Projector

    The overhead projector is invented and starts being used in the classroom.
  • Motion Pictures

    Motion pictures begin to use motion pictures as a educational tool.
  • The Televison

    In Los Angeles, a television is used in the classroom for the first time.
  • Headphones

    Headphones become popular in classrooms.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    The Supreme Court unanimously agrees that segregated schools are "inherently unequal" and must be abolished. Almost 45 years later in 1998, schools, especially in the north, are as segregated as ever.
  • Little Rock, Arkansas

    A federal court orders integration of Little Rock, Arkansas public schools.
  • Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock 9 were a group of African American students who were prevented from entering their racially segregated high school. President Eisenhower had to send 10,000 federal troops to enforce the integration and protect the students.
  • The Photocopier

    The photocopier is introduced to the classroom.
  • The Whiteboard

    The whiteboard replaces the blackboard.
  • The Calculator

    Texas Instrument invents the first handheld calculator.
  • The Scantron

    Scantrons are used to automatically grade tests.
  • Milliken v. Bradley.

    A Supreme Court made up of Richard Nixon's appointees rules that schools may not be desegregated across school districts. This effectively legally segregates students of color in inner-city districts from white students in wealthier white suburban districts.
  • Microcomputers Become Affordable

    Teaching software was introduced to the classroom. It was used to drill basic skills.
  • A Nation At Risk

    This report called for all high school students to be able to understand and use computers by graduation.
  • Apple Computers

    The Apple Macintosh computer in introduced.
  • Mavis Teaches Typing

    Typing software is developed and used to teach typing in classrooms.
  • The Smart Board

    The Smart Board is introduced to the classroom.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187 passes in California, making it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend public school. Federal courts hold Proposition 187 unconstitutional, but anti-immigrant feeling spreads across the country.
  • Common Core Standards Initiative

    The Common Core Standards Initiative was brought into being in 2009. It was a state led effort and the Mission Statement says, "The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them." It is expected that all states will eventually adopt the CCSS.
  • National Education Technology Plan

    The Federal Government published the NPET called for a "revolutionary transformation" of education. In regards to making technology a priority.
  • The IPad

    1.5 million IPads are being used in the classroom.