Cappon Family Timeline

  • Reagan's Birth

    Reagan's Birth
    7.4 lbs
    4:34 pm
    Butterworth Hospital
  • Visiting Grand Canyon with Grandparents

    Visiting Grand Canyon with Grandparents
    First vacation out to Arizona
  • Reagan starts becoming independent

    Reagan starts becoming independent
    Starting to form words and talking a bit
    Walking with no support
  • Reagan plays with siblings

    Reagan plays with siblings
    Always wanting to be with older siblings
    Became more independent and wanted to do everything on my own.
  • Reagan's younger brother is born

    Reagan's younger brother is born
    Baby brother came into the world and he did not like me at all.
  • Reagan goes on fieldtrips

    Reagan goes on fieldtrips
    Preschool field trips to learn more about wildlife and adventure.
  • Reagan goes ice skating for the first time

    Reagan goes ice skating for the first time
    I went ice skating during school with my classmates for the first time.
  • First extended family Christmas

    First extended family Christmas
    Aunt and uncle and grandparents come into town for Christmas and we take family pictures.
  • Reagan goes sledding at school

    Reagan goes sledding at school
    Sledding during recess at school when the snow was all piled up.
  • Reagan's first birthday party

    Reagan's first birthday party
    I invited my close friends at the time and we went to Craig's cruisers to play around.
  • Reagan's soccer team wins first tournament

    Reagan's soccer team wins first tournament
    My team won 1st place and it was our first and last time entering this tournament
  • Reagan runs first 5k

    Reagan runs first 5k
    I ran my first 5k by myself as part of the running club for school.
  • Hiking in Kentucky

    Hiking in Kentucky
    Went all over this one little town and hiked the cliffs and saw more of the creations.
  • Reagan joins 2nd club team

    Reagan joins 2nd club team
    I joined the AYSO United club team for a year before I went to play for school.
  • Reagan chops hair

    Reagan chops hair
    Before school started, I decided that I was going to chop my hair short.
  • Covid hits and Reagan starts HS

    Covid hits and Reagan starts HS
    I had to learn how to do online school and how to go back and forth between school and home while doing school.
  • Went tubing in Rockford w/ family for the first time

    Went tubing in Rockford w/ family for the first time
    After a long weekend because of snow days, my family decided to go tubing for a few hours, so much better than tubing in your backyard.
  • Reagan starts driving and working

    Reagan starts driving and working
    I started driver's training with my friends and got my permit and then I started working and it was a lot for being 15. But my friends and I did it all together so it made it like a reward.
  • (#1 significant) Went to 1st HS hoco with friends

    (#1 significant) Went to 1st HS hoco with friends
    The school allowed us to have a hoco and my friends and I went and had the times of our lives.
  • Reagan flies for the first time and gets licenses

    Reagan flies for the first time and gets licenses
    Flew out to Colorado for spring break and flew for the first time. A few months later, I got my driver's license and a car.
  • (#2 Significant) Surprise 16th Bday party

    (#2 Significant) Surprise 16th Bday party
    Since I through my friends a surprise 16th bday party, they decided to return the favor and took me out to eat and surprised me back at my house with a little party.
  • (#3 significant) Getting into dream college

    (#3 significant) Getting into dream college
    After going down to Oklahoma and visiting ORU, I applied and got in.
  • Reagan's Senior year of HS

    Reagan's Senior year of HS
    I am graduating and moving out of state for college.